Best jQuery Other API Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Typey : jQuery Plugin for Google Font loader and UI library

    Typey : jQuery Plugin for Google Font loader and UI library

    Typey is an api wrapper for Google Fonts, making it easy to load and show all fonts at once with this jQuery plugin.

    Gdrive : jQuery Plugin for Google Drive API

    Gdrive : jQuery Plugin for Google Drive API

    Google Drive is a nice and easy (once you get used to it) way to store and share files on the cloud. Apps on Android phones and tablets synchronize their documents and images to Google Drive. One can think of so many interesting applications using them.

    Such applications often need to let the user choose files and folders from their Google Drive, read their contents and do something useful. This simple JQuery plugin provides APIs for some often used operations.

    Html5 MP3 Light Player

    Html5 MP3 Light Player

    MP3 Light Player is a powerful responsive HTML5 mp3 player for your website that runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows8. MP3 Light Player supports unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited tracks. The playlists can be loaded from a simple HTML markup, XML file, mp3 folder, Podcasts, and SoundCloud playlist. Packed with a huge amount of features like, external API, deeplinking, popup window and facebook share button.

    Mappy.js : Google Maps & Places jQuery plugin

    Mappy.js : Google Maps & Places jQuery plugin

    I couldn’t find anything that fully did what I was after so I built mappy (besides I need the JavaScript practice!).

    In short it provides the following:

    • UI for users to “select” a place (you get a callback detailing what they picked)
    • UI for adding “custom” places
    • Support for firing a map up full-window (without having to create a DIV on the page)
    • Add searching to the map
    • Add/Edit and update your own “custom places” (i.e. not those in the Google Places API doesn’t know about, but you do)
    • Works with multiple maps on the same page

    jQuery Location Picker plugin

    jQuery Location Picker plugin

    This plug-in allows to easily find and select a location on the Google map. Along with a single point selection, it allows to choose an area by providing its center and the radius. All the data can be saved to any HTML input element automatically as well as be processed by Javascript (callback support).


    • Doesn’t require JQuery UI. The only requirements are JQuery and GoogleMaps API
    • Allows to pick an area with specified radius
    • Automatical binding to UI components (bidirectional data exchange)
    • Autocomplete for address input
    • Navigation by cordinates as well as by address

    Kyco Googleplusfeed : jQuery Google+ feed widget

    Kyco Googleplusfeed : jQuery Google+ feed widget

    jQuery Plugin for Google plus feeds.


    • Set number of posts option.
    • Set maximum number of posts option.
    • Set profile image size option.
    • Set Language option

    Facebook Wall : jQuery Plugin to show latest Facebook page updates

    Facebook Wall : jQuery Plugin to show latest Facebook page updates

    jQuery plugin that lets you show the latest updates from your facebook profile og page.

    Geocomplete : jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin

    Geocomplete : jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin

    An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps API’s Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services. You simply provide an input that lets you search for locations with a nice autocomplete dropdown. Optionally add a container to show an interactive map and a form that will be populated with the address details.

    Facebook Style Embed Image from URL using PHP & jQuery

    Facebook Style Embed Image from URL using PHP & jQuery

    This article will show you that how to fetch images from various sources like

    1. Instagram
    2, Pinterest
    3.  Flickr
    4. Twitpic
    5. Imgur &
    6. Deviantart

    Now a days major sites are using this feature to automatically embed images from a url. So I am going to explain you how to get images from url using PHP & jQuery

    Socio Motion : jQuery Photo Face Wall

    Socio Motion : jQuery Photo Face Wall

    A first of its kind plugin to create a dynamic and responsive photo thumbnail wall out of your Facebook friends. Share content with friends just on a click of a tile. Use tons of animation effects to switch between tiles. Configure the number of rows, columns, width, height and everything else you like. The plugin is built 100% using jQuery & love and works everywhere.


    • Responsive by design
    • Share a link to friend just with 1 click.
    • Simplest Facebook authentication.
    • Control the number of photos to display.
    • Cool effects.
    • Animation speed control.
    • Parallel tile movement
    • .Hover to move.