Best jQuery Tabs Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Ion.Tabs : jQuery tabs plugin

    Ion.Tabs : jQuery tabs plugin

    jQuery tabs plugin.Easy and well done tabs with many options and skin support.


    • Supports many groups of tabs at one page.
    • Generate events and callbacks.
    • Support many types of position saving, for each tabs group on the page.
    • Very easy in set up and customisation. Has skin support.
    • Has public methods for outside control.
    • Cross-browser support: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE(8.0+)
    • Ion.Tabs supports touch-devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.).

    Tabslet : A jQuery plugin for Tabs with Extra Features

    Tabslet : A jQuery plugin for Tabs

    Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs with some extra features.

    Beyond the standard tabs functionality:

    • Change tabs on mouse over
    • Use animation effect for tabs’ changing
    • Ability to use either href or alt attribute to target tab
    • Rotation
    • Custom events

    Tabdrop.js : jQuery Tab drop for Bootstrap

    Tabdrop.js : jQuery Tab drop for Bootstrap

    Very usefull script when your tabs do not fit in a single row. This script takes the not fitting tabs and makes a new dropdown tab. In the dropdown there are all the tabs that do not fit.

    • works only with horizontal tabs and pills
    • custom text for the dropdown tab
    • works with responsive design

    Scrolltab : jQuery plugin to add Position Relative Tabs

    Scrolltab : jQuery plugin to add Position Relative Tabs

    Scrolltab is a jQuery plugin that adds tabs visually associated to their position relative to the scroll bar.

    This enables a developer to attach floating tabs to the scrollbar of the brwoser that will scroll the user to the position indicated by the tab. This tab is expandable with content within.

    Tabby : Lightweight & Mobile-first toggle Tabs

    Tabby : Lightweight & Mobile-first toggle Tabs

    Tabby is a lightweight JavaScript and CSS kit for mobile-first toggle tabs. It’s style-light so you can easily modify it to fit your design.

    tabview : Responsive Tabs for jQuery Mobile

    tabview : Responsive Tabs for jQuery Mobile

    Tabview is a tabs plugin for jQuery Mobile.Tabs are now easier to manage using pure CSS. Just add the number of tabs you need usingdata-tabs="1-10" along with data-type="tabs" to the collapsible set. Also, by default tabs fallback to a regular collapsible-sets on small screens (see example). If you don’t want this, just remove the media query and tabs will be tabs at any screen size.

    jQuery Tabs Plugin

    jQuery Tabs Plugin

    The powerful jQuery plugin that creates a tab.


    • History support — tabs can handle browser’s back and forward buttons
    • AJAXed tabs support — ajax load content support
    • Keyboard navigation support — use Arrow left/right to navigate
    • Lightweight size — 1 kb gzipped

    jQuery Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion

    jQuery Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion

    Easy responsive tabs – is a lightweight jQuery plugin which optimizes normal horizontal or vertical tabs to accordion on multi devices like: web, tablets, Mobile (IPad & IPhone). This plugin adapts the screen size and changes its action accordingly.


    • Horizontal / Vertical Tabs to Accordion
    • Tabs and accordion are created entirely with jQuery
    • Supports multiple sets of tabs on same page
    • Cross browser compatibility (IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera)
    • Multi device support (Web, Tablets & Mobile)

    Navi.js : jQuery Content Switcher

    Navi.js : jQuery Content Switcher

    Navi makes it easy to dynamically display content on your sites. Instead of cluttering up your site tree with extra files, you can easily write all of your html code for multiple pages in one file.

    Navi was created to be an easy way for anyone wanting to change content. This plugin can help with the development of numerous other plugins including: tabs, pagination, image sliders, and others. Navi has serveral options to tweak and allows for loading content based on the page hash. You can call Navi on multiple elements with ease so you can have multiple content switching sections.Navi is also friendly with other plugins, and can be called on multiple objects or nested.

    Mate Tabs : jQuery Responsive tabs and accordion

    Mate Tabs : jQuery Responsive tabs and accordion

    Mate Tabs it is a responsive tabs and accordion.

    Features :

    • Responsive
    • Retina ready (Font Awesome integrated)
    • Parameters when tabs transform to accordion: 1. Auto 2. Now 3. Your screen size
    • Click or Hover events
    • jQuery 1.7.1 +
    • Fast changing the color palette: panelColor: ’#fec901’,borderColor: ’#fec901’,contentColor: ’#ffffff’ etc…
    • Simple to use
    • Live preview
    • Cross Browsers