Best jQuery Tabs Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Codetabs B+ : Premium Tabs + Slider For Bootstrap

    Codetabs B+ : Premium Tabs + Slider For Bootstrap

    Codetabs is a great plug-in tabs + slider when integrated gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile. Same time create thousands of beautiful effects with built-in over 250 ‘out-in’ effects and ‘one’. Also, codetabs built-in responsive features, vertical tabs, flat and clean theme, powerfull API, 40+ templates html, 14+ positions, 100+ options, more and more.

    CodeTabs – jQuery Touch Responsive Tabs

    CodeTabs - jQuery Touch Responsive Tabs

    Codetabs is a great plug-in tabs when integrated gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile. Same time create thousands of beautiful effects with built-in over 250 ‘out-in’ effects and ‘one’. Also, codetabs built-in responsive features, vertical tabs, flat and clean theme, powerfull API, 40+ templates html, 14+ positions, 100+ options, more and more.

    Toolkit : Front-End UI toolkit built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

    Toolkit : Front-End UI toolkit built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

    Titon Toolkit is a collection of very powerful user interface components and utility classes for the responsive, mobile, and modern web. Each component represents encapsulated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality for role specific page elements.

    Toolkit makes use of the latest and greatest technology. This includes HTML5 for semantics, CSS3 for animations and styles, Sass for CSS pre-processing, Grunt for task and package management, and powerful new browser APIs for the JavaScript layer.

    Droptabs : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap Tabs

    Droptabs : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap Tabs

    jQuery plugin for hiding Bootstrap tabs inside a dropdown, when viewport is too small.

    Taby : CSS3 Nested Tabs Plugin

    Taby : CSS3 Nested Tabs Plugin

    Free CSS3 Tab(nested able) Menu Plugins.

    • no dependencies required, but if you want support <= IE8, make sure you have to load jQuery before Taby.
    • you can conntect a “tab” with its “content” easly. Tab e.g. “#sub-tab-4″ is related to data-tab-content=”sub-tab-4”.
    • amd/commonjs (requirejs/node) ready

    Liquid Slider : jQuery Responsive Content Slider

    Liquid Slider : jQuery Responsive Content Slider

    Liquid Slider is a responsive jQuery HTML content Slider.

    jQuery Responsive Tabs Plugin

    jQuery Responsive Tabs Plugin

    Responsive Tabs is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. You can use this plugin as a solution for displaying tabs elegantly on desktop, tablet and mobile.


    • Tabs transform to accordion based on breakpoint
    • Uses javascript / jQuery for the technical tab switching (class based)
    • Uses CSS for the desktop/tablet/mobile view
    • Has callback events for the tab events
    • Tabs can be opened with URL hashes
    • Tabs can auto rotate
    • Tabs can be collapsed (optional)
    • Tabs can start collapsed based on the view (optional)
    • Cross browser compatibility (IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera)
    • Multiple device support (Web, Tablet, Mobile, etc)

    Responsive Full Width Tabs with CSS & JavaScript

    Responsive Full Width Tabs with CSS & JavaScript

    A full width tab component with some example media queries for adjusting the icons of the tabs and the content layout. The main idea is to show only icons for the mobile view and allow the text to appear when there’s enough space. The content columns and the containing media boxes have three different layouts.

    Tabcordion.js : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap tabs into Accordion

    Tabcordion.js : jQuery Plugin for Bootstrap tabs into Accordion

    Bootstrap Tabcordion is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion. It can be configured to perform this transformation based on the size of the container or viewport to provide responsive awesomeness to your buzzword-rich UI.Useful for responsive mobile sites.

    jQuery Responsive Tabs Plugin

    jQuery Responsive Tabs Plugin

    jQuery plugin for creating responsive tabs. The controls behave like regular tabs above a specified screen width (defined by an editable media query in the associated css file), and behave like an accordion on screens below that width.


    • Progressive enhancement – uses semantic heading/content markup – tabs and accordion are created entirely with jQuery
    • Uses Aria attributes and roles to aid screen reader accessibility
    • Tabs and their content are fully accessible via keyboard
    • Supports multiple sets of tabs on same page