Best jQuery Tables Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Tabluator : A powerful jQuery Table plugin

    Tabluator : A powerful jQuery Table plugin

    An easy to use table generation JQuery UI Plugin.Tabulator allows you to create a table with in seconds from any JSON formatted data.

    • JSON, array or AJAX data loading
    • Column sorting
    • Custom data formatting
    • Resizable columns
    • Auto scaling to fit data/element
    • Many theming options
    • Custom click and context Events
    • Callbacks at every stage of data processing and rendering

    SOLID : CSS3 Responsive Tabs

    SOLID : CSS3 Responsive Tabs

    Fed up with the old tab designs that you have?
    Have your website a totally tab-licious makeover with this distinctive and eye catching tab designs.

    • 8 Tab Designs
    • Flexible Designs
    • Fully Responsive including its contents
    • Includes Typographical Elements (Headings, Text Callout, Blockquote)
    • Includes Responsive Tables
    • Includes Responsive Bar Chart
    • Includes Responsive Column Chart
    • Includes Responsive Video

    Tabella.js : JavaScript Touch enable & Responsive Tables

    Tabella.js : JavaScript Touch enable & Responsive Tables

    Tabellajs is a pure javascript table plugin, responsive, AMD ready, touch enabled.

    KingTable : jQuery Administrative Table Plugin

    KingTable : jQuery Administrative Table Plugin

    A jQuery plugin for administrative tables that are able to build themselves, on the basis of the input data.Supports client and server side pagination; client and server side search; custom filters views; automatic menu to hide and reorder columns and support for custom tools. Client side export feature into: csv, json and xml formats.

    csv2table : jQuery Plugin to display CSV file into HTML Table

    csv2table : jQuery Plugin to display CSV file into HTML Table

    csv2table is the jQuery plug-in that reads the CSV file, and generates display an HTML table.

    Dynamic HTML grid for PHP with jQuery

    Dynamic HTML grid for PHP with jQuery

    Dynamic HTML grid with jQuery/AngularJS frontend and PHP/NodeJS backend.The idea is to feed an array of data (or some other data source, like PDO or Doctrine query) to PHP/NodeJS class and to have instantly a grid with server-side sorting, filtering and pagination.

    Freezeheader : jQuery Plugin to Freeze Table Header Row

    Freezeheader : jQuery Plugin to Freeze Table Header Row

    Freezeheader is a simple jQuery plugin to freeze header row in html table. It’s also known as fixed header table.

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren : jQuery Sorting Plugin

    sortChildren is a jQuery plugin to sort child elements.

    PivotTable.js : JavaScript Pivot Table, Chart, Grid Library

    PivotTable.js : JavaScript Pivot Table, Chart, Grid Library

    PivotTable.js is a Javascript Pivot Table library with drag’n’drop functionality built on top of jQuery/jQueryUI and originally written in CoffeeScript by Nicolas Kruchten at Datacratic.

    PivotTable.js’ basic function is to turn a data set into a summary table and then optionally add a true 2-d drag’n’drop UI to allow a user to manipulate this summary table, turning it into a pivot table, very similar to the one found in older versions of Microsoft Excel with a bunch of extra developer-oriented features and some visualization effects. With optional add-ons, the summary table can be rendered various kinds of charts, turning the pivot table into a pivot chart.

    Kidd : jQuery Sticky Table Plugin

    Kidd : jQuery Sticky Table Plugin

    Kidd.StickyTable is jQuery plugin to modify a table element with a fixed header element and fixed left columns (freeze table header and the left columns).

    • Freeze table header and/or the left columns
    • Responsive tables
    • Export table to xls, pdf, and png without server script
    • Six beautiful predefined colors: green, blue, red, yellow, purple, and grey (customizable)
    • Two style available: default and bordered
    • Multiple plugin instances: allows to use multiple plugin instances on the same webpage.
    • Custom option builder with live previews.