Scrollbooster is a enjoyable content drag-to-scroll micro (~2KB gzipped) library.
Best jQuery Tables Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Yet Another DataTables Column Filter : jQuery Plugin
This jQuery plug-in allows the user to easily add filter components to table columns, the plug-in works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.
- Support DataTables 1.10.0 – Use yadcf.init(…) for new API (Capital “D”)
- Support all data source: DOM, Javascript, Ajax and server-side processing (1.10.0 +)
- Various filter options:
- select input, multiple selection input, text input
- autocomplete input – make use of the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget (with some enhancements)
- date input – make use of the jQuery UI Datepicker widget (with some enhancements)
- range of numbers
- range of numbers with slider widget – make use of the jQuery UI Slider widget (with some enhancements)
- range of dates – make use of the jQuery UI Datepicker widget (with some enhancements) or Bootstrap Datepicker
- custom function
- Filters can be placed in the header (thead) or in the footer (tfoot) , second argument of yadcf constructor or third argument of init function
jQuery MiniUI : Professional WebUI Control Library
jQuery MiniUI – Professional WebUI Control Library. It can shorten the development time, reduce the amount of code, so that developers focus more on the business and server-side, easy interface development, resulting in a great user experience.
- Rapid development, reducing the amount of code 50%
- Rich component library, high performance, low memory
- Support for Java, .NET, PHP
- Support IE6 +, FireFox, Chrome
Truly Responsive Comparison Tables
This Javascript plugin allows you to create truly responsive comparison tables. No squashed columns on mobile! Instead, your data is laid out in tab format on smaller screens, creating a clear, concise, and enjoyable experience for both your desktop and mobile users. Perfect for pricing plans and product comparisons!
- Fully responsive
- Zero dependencies
- Cross-browser compatible
TableHeadFixer : jQuery plugin for Fix HTML Tables Header
TableHeadFixer is a simple jQuery plugin for fixer HTML tables header, footer or columns.
This plugin will only add elements events and css attributes necessary for fix tables header, footer or columns, you can customize styles of your table, this plugin will not influence style of table (width, height, background, font color, etc…)
SpreadJS : JavaScript Spreadsheet and Data Presentation Components
Complete JavaScript Spreadsheet and Data Presentation Components.Deliver intuitive, efficient, multi-functional, pure JavaScript spreadsheets for enterprise apps.
- Full Angular support in Spread.Sheets
- Spreadsheets, grids, dashboards, and forms
- Browser and platform independent
- Data presentation and layout
- Modular features, minimal references