Best jQuery Slider Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    PIGNOSE Gallery : jQuery Slider Gallery Plugin

    PIGNOSE Gallery : jQuery Slider Gallery Plugin

    PIGNOSE Gallery is so simple and fast gallery style component.

    rsSlideIt : jQuery 2D/3D Slideshow Transformations Plugin

    rsSlideIt : jQuery 2D/3D Slideshow Transformations Plugin

    Performs a smooth 2D/3D transition from one HTML element A to another element B.


    • Runs a single transition or a sequence of transitions;
    • Transition effect is automatically computed between two slides;
    • Fallbacks to browsers that do not support 3D transformations and CSS3 animations;
    • Highly customizable:
      • Any markup you want. Only restriction is sliders to be contained in a parent blocked element;
      • Strong event driven support;
      • Single transition or a sequence of transitions (movie mode);
      • Transition duration, easing function animation and zoom vertexes;
      • Optional user zoomming and panning between each transition.
    • Responsive design, suitable for any window sizes;

    PIGNOSE : jQuery Parallax Slider Plugin

    PIGNOSE : jQuery Parallax Slider Plugin

    Pignose is a jQuery slider plugin that is supported “Parallax” effect.

    jQuery Parallax Scroll Snap with Slider

    jQuery Parallax Scroll Snap with Slider

    Creates a parallax backgrounds effect for sections by snapping to them on mouse scroll.Ideal for one page sites. Easy to configure and setup.

    Photoswipe/SlickJs Image Viewer with jQuery

    Photoswipe/SlickJs Image Viewer with jQuery

    jQuery extension for intergrating photoswipe with slick.

    Ruby Slider : jQuery Live Touch Effect Slider

    Ruby Slider : jQuery Live Touch Effect Slider

    Ruby Slider is best of slider plugin when integrated touch/swipe gestures, 4 types of effects including hundreds of separate effects. Most especially, all effects are supported live swipe gestures. Ruby Slider designed as module, build you optimal script size. Also integrates numerous other outstanding features: fully responsive, lazyload, image position, slideshow with timer, powerful api, cross browsers…

    Transition Effect with CSS Masks

    Transition Effect with CSS Masks

    Today we’d like to show you how to create an intriguingly simple, yet eye-catching transition effect using CSS Masks. Together with clipping, masking is another way of defining visibility and composite with an element. In the following tutorial we’ll show you how to apply the new properties for a modern transition effect on a simple slideshow. We’ll be applying animations utilizing the steps() timing function and move a mask PNG over an image to achieve an interesting transition effect.

    Multi-Layout Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    Multi-Layout Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    A simple decorative slideshow component with individual slide layouts and effects. Powered by anime.js.

    Today we’d like to share a simple decorative slideshow component with you. The idea behind this slideshow is to have an individual layout for each slide, accompanied by a distinct effect. The images of each slide is meant to have a decorative purpose which could be suitable for an article header; or, for example, an ornamental quotes slideshow within an article.

    Slider Maker : Create jQuery Photo Slideshows & Galleries

    Slider Maker : Create jQuery Photo Slideshows & Galleries

    Slider Maker – Create jQuery Photo Slideshows, Galleries, Carousels in no time !

    • Fully responsive
    • Retina-enabled
    • Creates Well-adaptated images for each screen & device
    • Touch-swipe
    • Lazy Images Loading
    • Loaded with ajax

    Slidea : A Super Smart Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

    Slidea : A Super Smart Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin

    Slidea is a super fast and intuitive multi-purpose content slider which completely leaves the competition behind.

    Slidea has been developed with simplicity, efficiency and innovation in mind, making it the perfect slider solution for your website. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, the slider is guaranteed to offer unmatched motion design experience.