Best jQuery Plugins Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    gmap google maps plugin for jquery

    gmap google maps plugin for jquery

    gMap is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. With only 2 KB in size it is very flexible and highly customizable.There are a two requirements you need to meet before you can use gMap to display Google Maps on your website. First you need to sign up for a Google Maps API key. Second you need the jQuery library at least in version 1.3.

    jQuery Autocomplete plugin

    This script is based on jQuery Autocomplete plugin made by PengoWorks. It has many options and is quite easy to setup in your page. You can pass advanced options as a JavaScript object, hashes etc…

    Digg Like URL Submitter Using jQuery and PHP with Demo

    Digg Like URL Submitter Using JQuery and PHP

    I want to create something that fetching the submitted url data, some kind that many social bookmarking have, beside facebook, the other famous one is digg, this image left is something that I share in this post.

    Display Your Favourite Music with jQuery &

    Display Your Favourite Music with jQuery &

    Use the power of jQuery and the handy records plugin to create a showcase of your favourite music on your website. We’ll install the plugins to fetch the information from the website, then style up the design with a cool retro vinyl record theme.

    Contained Sticky Scroll jQuery Plugin with Demo

    Contained Sticky Scroll jQuery Plugin

    The Contained Sticky Scroll plugin is designed to allow an element to stick to the top of the screen as page scrolls down, but without moving outside of the parent container.

    Tabify jQuery Plugin with Demo

    tabify jQuery Plugin

    This jQuery plugin lets you easily create tabbed content. All you need is an ul-element with some li-elements and a couple of related content-divs. The major difference between Tabify and it’s competitors is it’s size.

    idTabs jQuery Plugin with Demo

    idtabs jQuery Plugin

    idTabs is a plugin for jQuery that makes adding tabs into a website super simple. But it can also open the door to endless possiblities.

    Flip! jQuery plugin with Demo

    flip jQuery Plugin

    Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions.

    Supersized 3.0 jQuery Plugin with Demo

    Supersized 3.0 jQuery Plugin

    Supersized 3.0 – Full Screen Background & Slideshow jQuery Plugin.Resize images to fill the entire browser window while maintaining proportional dimensions.Fullscreen slideshow complete with transitions, navigation, captions, and preloading.Integrate with existing sites or create your own portfolio gallery.

    jQuery Page Curl with Demo

    jQuery Page Curl

    This jQuery plugin allows you to add an interactive page curl to your website.