Best jQuery Plugins Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    WhatsChat : WhatsApp Chat Widget jQuery Plugin

    WhatsChat : WhatsApp Chat Widget jQuery Plugin

    WhatsChat – WhatsApp Chat Widget jQuery Plugin is an a modern responsive chat plugin build with CSS3.

    • Chat support plugin that provides a quick and easy way to interact with your clients.
    • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery used to design hosting chat widget.
    • All the codes are clean and well organized, You are able to easily edit/change/customize any style.
    • These chat plugins are provided with 10 uniq designs, 7 uniq button, 8 color combination.

    jTippy : jQuery Tooltip Plugin

    jTippy : jQuery Tooltip Plugin

    jQuery tooltip plugin. Easy to use and configure with excellent responsive placement (on the demo page, try resizing your screen!).


    • Multiple Triggers (click, hover, focus, hoverfocus)
    • Backdrops (black, white, blurred) – Only apply to trigger:’click’
    • Themes (black, lt-gray, white, blue, green, red)
    • Sizes (tiny, small, medium, large)
    • Responsive (prefers the specified position
    • Tooltip hide/show events
    • No-conflict CSS

    ProgressBar : jQuery Image Progress Bar Plugin

    ProgressBar : jQuery Image Progress Bar Plugin

    This provides a jquery plugin for making vertical progress bars out of images. Once the progress bar has been created you can interact with it to set the current percentage as required.

    bootstrapSelect : jQuery Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin

    bootstrapSelect : jQuery Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin

    jQuery plugin “bootstrapSelect” which transform a select in a bootstrap dropdown. Select multiple are shown with checkboxes

    Image.preview.js : jQuery Hoverable Image & Video Previews Plugin

    Image.preview.js : jQuery Hoverable Image & Video Previews Plugin

    A simple jQuery plugin that adds hoverable image and video previews to links and other elements.

    SmarTicker : jQuery Smart News Ticker Plugin

    SmarTicker : jQuery Smart News Ticker Plugin

    The smart newsticker with that magic rainbow you have liked it! The classic “SmarTicker” is back with the same features and with that old effects.

    Poppa : Lightweight jQuery Validation Plugin

    Poppa : Lightweight jQuery Validation Plugin

    Poppa is a jQuery plugin which makes client-side form validation easy. It provides a basic customization and aims at being cross-browser compliant, reliable and lightweight (only 8kb minified). It comes with a handful of a useful validation methods, including URL and email validation and default error messages in English.

    mBox : Lightweight jQuery lightbox Plugin

    mBox : Lightweight jQuery lightbox Plugin

    mBox is a simple jQuery lightbox plugin. It’s main goal is to be easy to use and lightweight. As you can see in the examples below, it takes only 4 lines of code to initialize the plugin and transform your static images into awesome lightbox gallery.

    jQuery Restful : Plugin for Communicating with REST APIs

    jQuery Restful : Plugin for Communicating with REST APIs

    jQuery Restful is a jQuery plugin for communicating with REST APIs.

    fancyTable : jQuery Searchable & Sortable Table Plugin

    fancyTable : jQuery Searchable & Sortable Table Plugin

    fancyTable is a jQuery plugin for making html tables searchable and sortable with pagination.