Best jQuery PHP Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP

    Luna Multi Step Form with Javascript & PHP

    Luna is a multiple steps form wizard for your potential customers and a HTML5 & CSS3 template. You can create reservation, questionarre or service form wizard easily, You can collect data from your customer with this amazing form wizard.


    • Responsive Design
    • Bootstrap Included
    • Material Design
    • Valid HTML5 & CSS3
    • Color & Image Options
    • Amazing Effects
    • Google Web Fonts integrated

    Tokenize2 : jQuery Multiple Items Select Box

    Tokenize2 : jQuery Multiple Items Select Box

    Tokenize2 is a plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list or ajax, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook or tags on tumblr.

    • Intuitive UI for selecting multiple items from a large list
    • Easy to skin / style purely in css, no images required
    • Supports any backend which can generate JSON, including PHP, Rails, Django,
    • Events based
    • Select, delete and navigate items using the mouse or keyboard
    • Custom delimiters
    • Sortable items
    • jQuery 2+
    • Bootstrap 3+

    dna.js : Uncomplicated User Interface library for Semantic Templates

    dna.js : Uncomplicated User Interface library for Semantic Templates

    dna.js is a lightweight easy-to-use UI library for jQuery enabling developers to rapidly build maintainable JavaScript applications.  You write semantic templates and then dna.js converts your JSON data into dynamically generated DOM elements.

    Lumise Product Designer Tool with JavaScript & PHP

    Lumise Product Designer Tool with JavaScript & PHP

    Lumise is the professional product designer tool, built by HTML5 + JavaScript technologies. Lumise is designed to focus on the user experience and provide all in one for a breakthrough solution for your print services store. In addition, it has many powerful exclusive features and top-friendly interface to help your users easy to design any ideas.

    AJAX Live Search with jQuery & PHP

    AJAX Live Search with jQuery & PHP

    AJAX Live Search is a jQuery plugin / PHP search form that searches and displays the result as you type similar to Google Autocomplete feature.

    Mr. Data Converter : Convert Excel data into JSON & XML

    Mr. Data Converter : Convert Excel data into JSON & XML

    Mr. Data Converter takes CSV or tab-delimited data from a spreadsheet such as Excel and converts it into several web-friendly formats, including JSON and XML.

    Novi : HTML Page Builder & Visual Content Editor

    Novi : HTML Page Builder & Visual Content Editor

    Are you an HTML templates developer? Do you sell your own products? Get closer to your clients. Import any valid HTML template into Novi Builder with 3 clicks only and multiply your earnings today.


    • Import any valid HTML template
    • Create as many pages as you need
    • Start editing your text with a single click
    • Save your own presets for future use
    • Edit the source code of your project
    • Manage fonts
    • Inspect your elements in code
    • Copy paste & replace any design elements
    • Preview on different resolutions
    • Social Plugins
    • Mailform Plugin
    • Subscribe form Plugins
    • Swiper Slider Plugin
    • Parallax Plugin

    IconCaptcha : Anti-Bot Icon Captcha with jQuery & PHP

    IconCaptcha : Anti-Bot Icon Captcha with jQuery & PHP

    IconCaptcha is a faster and more user-friendly captcha than most other captchas. You no longer have to read any annoying text-images, with IconCaptcha you only have to compare two images and select the image which is only present once.

    Besides being user-friendly, IconCaptcha is also developer-friendly. With just a few steps you can get the captcha up and running. Even developers new to JavaScript and PHP can easily install IconCaptcha. The demo page contains all the code needed to get the captcha working.


    • User Friendly: The captcha uses easily understandable images instead of hard to read texts to complete the captcha.
    • Server-side validation: Any validation done by the captcha will be performed on the server-side instead of the client-side.
    • Events: Events are triggered at various points in the code, allowing you to hook into them and execute custom code if necessary.
    • Themes: Select the design of the captcha without having to ever touch the stylesheet.
    • SCSS: The project contains a SCSS file, allowing you to easily style and compile the stylesheet.
    • Supports IE: The captcha supports Internet Explorer 8 and up.

    Television News Ticker with JavaScript & PHP

    Television News Ticker with JavaScript & PHP

    The Television News Ticker script allows you to generate on your website a news ticker like the ones used by television stations to publish the latest news, election results, sport results, whether warnings,  stock quotes, etc.

    The news displayed in the news ticker can be retrieved with the provided PHP scripts from a specified RSS feed, from a Twitter account or from a database table. Alternatively the advanced user will be able to manually generate the content of the news based on the exact needs of the publisher by connecting the news ticker with a JSON resource.

    Imageless Captcha with JavaScript & PHP

    Imageless Captcha with JavaScript & PHP

    Creates a random number on every page load, based on your preferences. From that number, it creates the number as a phrase. In the form, you use the phrase to ask the user to enter it as a number. When the form is posted, you simply check to see if the user’s answer matches the number.

    • Keeps your form clean, no ugly captcha images or third-party embedded styles
    • Extremely lightweight
    • Very easy to implement
    • Customizable