Best jQuery jQuery Mobile Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Lytebox : jQuery content viewer with Demo

    Lytebox : jQuery content viewer with Demo

    Lytebox is a lightweight, cross-browser compatible and mobile friendly Javascript library and content viewer. It’s easy to use, it’s fast, it’s compatible with other libraries, and best of all, it’s COMPLETELY FREE.

    Lytebox can be configured by editing the main JavaScript file (lytebox.js), or by using the data-lyte-options attribute to set individual options on a per link/viewer basis. Use the left-hand navigation to see all the various options and configurations that can be set.

    NETEYE Touch Gallery : jQuery Photo Viewing in Mobile Browser

    NETEYE Touch Gallery : jQuery Photo Viewing in Mobile Browser

    Touch-Gallery brings the look and feel of native jQuery photo-viewing apps to yhour mobile browser.Open this page in your iPad or iPhone 4 and click on any of the thumbnails in the left column below.

    Promptumenu : jQuery Plugin to Display List Items like iPhone

    Promptumenu : jQuery Plugin to Display List Items like iPhone with Demo

    A jQuery plugin that allows you to display list items in a similar way like a iPhone home screen. If item count exceeds the displayed items on one screen, users can swipe through screens.This plugin is intended to create iPhone or Android like experience by creating a window with a menu.

    You must be familiar with the concept of iPhone or Android homescreen. You have the window. And icons of various utilities there. And if the count of icons exceeds the space on the menu, a new page is created. By swiping with a finger you can see the next page, and interact with the icons there.

    Hammer.js : A jQuery library for multi touch gestures with Demo

    Hammer.js : A jQuery library for multi touch gestures with Demo

    Hammer.js is a javascript library (that depends on jQuery) that can be used to control gestures on touch devices.Hammer.js has been tested on iPad1 with iOS5, iPhone4 with iOS5, Samsung Galaxy S with Android 2.3.3 and Google Chrome 17. On a desktop browser the mouse can be used to simulate touch events with one finger. It supports the following gestures:

    • Tap
    • Double tap
    • Hold
    • Drag
    • Transform

    jQuery-Switch : A slide/toggle switch for jQuery

    jQuery-Switch : A slide/toggle switch for jQuery

    jQuery/Switch is an iOS-inspired slide/toggle widget. It began as an alternative switch for jQuery Mobile, but it also targets desktop browsers as well.jQuery/Switch builds from <select> elements which contain two <option> elements relating to the “on” and “off” states respectively. These can be in any order, but the first <option> will by default be assumed to relate to the “on” state (this can be overridden).

    TouchSwipe : A jQuery plugin for Touch devices

    TouchSwipe : A jQuery plugin for Touch devices

    TouchSwipe is a jquery plugin to be used with jQuery on touch input devices such as iPad, iPhone etc.

    Features :

    • Detects swipes in 4 directions, “up”, “down”, “left” and “right”
    • Supports single finger or double finger touch events
    • Supports click events both on the touchSwipe object and its child objects
    • Definable threshold to determin when a gesture is actually a swipe
    • Events triggered for swipe “start”,”move”,”end” and “cancel”
    • End event can be triggered either on touch release, or as soon as threshold is met
    • Allows swiping and page scrolling

    jQuery Mobile Pull Down for Navigation

    jQuery Mobile Pull Down for Navigation

    Mobile screen real estate is at a premium and one of the biggest problems to solve is how to display navigation when screen widths become quite narrow so I decided to have a look and see what I could come up with using some nifty CSS and a touch of jQuery.

    Trying to condense a navigation down onto a mobile screen tends to push the actual content of the site down and out of initial view.

    touchScroll jQuery plugin for iOS Devices

    touchScroll jQuery plugin for iOS Devices

    touchScroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables inline scrollable content in mobile Safari on iOS, and other WebKit, touch-based browsers on Android.This plugin will only work for vertical-scrolling content. It has been designed with only this in mind to keep the library lightweight and efficient.

    jQuery Mobile Advanced Tutorial – RSS reader app

    jQuery Mobile Advanced Tutorial – RSS reader app

    Today’s tutorial is going to show you how you can use jQuery Mobile with PHP, MySQL and a bit of AJAX to build a small mobile web application.

    At the end of this tutorial you will know how to add new RSS feed name and url into the database, how to delete the record from the database, how to fetch and parse a RSS feed and show its results inside jQuery Mobile list view.

    Android Style Datepicker Widget for jQuery Mobile: Mobi Pick

    Android Style Datepicker Widget for jQuery Mobile: Mobi Pick

    Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr.