Best jQuery jQuery Mobile Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Alpaca : Easy Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca : Easy Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca generates forms on-the-fly using JSON schema and configuration to define object models, types, properties, validation logic and layout. Alpaca generates intuitive forms while giving your business the assurance of data compliance.

    The Alpaca library is pre-packaged with controls, wizards, layouts, I18N support and pluggable template engines for EJS, Handlerbars and jQuery.tmpl. API Documentation is provided so that you can extend Alpaca as you see fit.

    Alpaca helps you to separate your data from your presentation. Design your forms once and have them work across different devices and UI engines without any additional coding.

    tabview : Responsive Tabs for jQuery Mobile

    tabview : Responsive Tabs for jQuery Mobile

    Tabview is a tabs plugin for jQuery Mobile.Tabs are now easier to manage using pure CSS. Just add the number of tabs you need usingdata-tabs="1-10" along with data-type="tabs" to the collapsible set. Also, by default tabs fallback to a regular collapsible-sets on small screens (see example). If you don’t want this, just remove the media query and tabs will be tabs at any screen size.

    jQuery Mobile Events

    jQuery Mobile Events

    A collection of mobile event plugins for jQuery.This is a series of plugins that create additional events that can be used in combination with jQuery when developing for mobile devices. The events are also compatible with desktop browsers to ensure ultimate compatibility for your projects. In time, we will update the Repository to include some very basic demos to get you started with using the events, but for now, we’ve put together a list of the events that are provided, and what they do.

    As explained, the events are each triggered by native touch events, or alternatively by click events. The plugin automatically detects whether the user’s device is touch compatible, and will use the correct native events whenever required. It is hoped that these events will help to aid single-environment development with jQuery for mobile web app development.

    jQuery Mobile Square-UI Theme

    jQuery Mobile Square-UI Theme

    jQuery Mobile Square UI Theme.

    jQuery Mobile Metro Theme

    jQuery Mobile Metro Theme

    This theme provides a Metro user interface for Cordova apps using jQuery Mobile on Windows Phone 7.5.

    Beginner’s guide to the jQuery Mobile framework

    Beginner’s guide to the jQuery Mobile framework

    jQuery Mobile is an excellent way to create web applications for mobile devices, but it suffers from a bit of a PR problem. When I first learned about the framework, I put it on my list of technologies I should investigate, but like a lot of people I figured that because it’s based on jQuery, that you’d have to be an expert with jQuery before you could use jQuery Mobile…nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Building Web Presentations Using jQuery Mobile

    Building Web Presentations Using jQuery Mobile
    jQuery mobile framework provides easily themeable, HTML5-based interface with support for pages transitions, therefore it would be very easy to create simple web presentations that will work on all popular smartphone and desktop platforms.

    First, check out the demo, then let’s walk through the building blocks of this sample presentation.

    Facebook Style Slide Out Menu in jQuery Mobile

    Facebook Style Slide Out Menu in jQuery Mobile

    I wanted to recreate the slide out menu in the Facebook iPhone app. I also wanted implement it in a jQuery mobile layout. This is what I came up with.

    jQuery Mobile Datebox

    jQuery Mobile Datebox

    DateBox is a jQuery-mobile based date and time picker.Four display mode Standard, click-outside-to-close popup mode, Forced input modal popup mode, Unique page dialog mode,  Inline mode.


    • Android style date picker
    • Calendar style date picker
    • Slide style date picker
    • Flip Wheel style date or time picker
    • 12 and 24 hour time picker
    • Duration time picker

    Creating a Contact Form in jQuery Mobile and PHP

    Creating a Contact Form in jQuery Mobile and PHP

    This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a contact form in jQuery Mobile. I have also included complete php source code that can be used as a web service to send emails from your server.