jQuery Image Player is a jQuery plugin that is an image based player with a look and feel of video player. It also has slide effects.
Best jQuery Video & Audio Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Fullscreen Video Opening Animation with CSS3
In this in-depth tutorial we want to show you how to create a similar video opening effect to the one seen on momentsapp.com. If you click the “Watch the video” button on the Moments App page, you will see a new image appearing on the photo stack which contains a video. The animation is a slight rotation of the frame and a subtle scaling of the video, which already starts to play. The whole wrapper expands to full screen without any play controls; just the closing cross will be shown. Once the video ends, or, if the user clicks on the closing cross, the video will simply disappear.
jQuery Image Player
This is a rewrite of ImagePlayer plug-in originally written by Kelli Shaver.It is a player/slideshow that looks and works similarly to a conventional video player. You can play/pause, go to the beginning, go to the end, click different points on the scrubber to jump back and forth, and you can enable an option that will pause the playback while hovering over the image. Images are scaled automatically to fit in the player. You can also switch to full-screen. Captions are supported.