YouRam Simple creates a beautiful Gallery of YouTube videos from any channel uploads or a playlist link. Videos are shown in a popup or as an embed.
Best jQuery Video & Audio Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
abcjs : JavaScript for Rendering Music Notation
abcjs is a javascript library for rendering standard music notation in a browser.This library makes it easy to incorporate sheet music into your websites. You can also turn visible ABC text into sheet music on websites that you don’t own using a greasemonkey script, or change your own website that contains ABC text with no other changes than the addition of one javascript file. You can also generate MIDI files or play them directly in your browser.
ArtPlayer : Modern HTML5 Video Player
Artplayer.js is a modern and full featured HTML5 video player.
- Support
subtitles - Support video quality switching
- Support for custom
- Support
playback rate
,aspect ratio
,window fullscreen
orweb fullscreen
adjustment - Support integration with other dependencies, like:
- Support chrome native picture-in-picture mode, or custom picture-in-picture mode
- Support
in the progress bar - Support to maintain the original video ratio, adaptive size
- Support rich custom event monitoring, easy to expand
- Support for internationalization of controls
- Support for custom plugins
- Support local video preview
- Support subtitle time offset
Vidbacking : jQuery Video Background Plugin
Vidbacking is a small jQuery plugin to simplify the process of showing HTML5 video as background. You can use this for showing a video file or Youtube video on whole page background or to show the video as the background of a <div>, <section>, like elements.
- Cross Browser Video Background Plugin.
- Support mp4, webm video files.
- Support Youtube video.
- Very small file size (4kb total).
- Easy to use.
- Can be used for both page background or for an element background.
- Image fallback when video not supported.
- Pause video when out of viewport.
- Multiple instances on same page possible.
- Device friendly, responsive.
Audio Recorder Polyfill
MediaRecorder polyfill to record audio in Edge and Safari 11.
- Spec compatible. In the future when all browsers will support MediaRecorder, you will just remove polyfill.
- Small. 1 KB (minified and gzipped). No dependencies. It uses Size Limit to control size.
- One file. In contrast to other recorders, this polyfill uses “inline worker” and don’t need a separated file for Web Worker.