Best jQuery Maps Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    maplace.js : A small Google Maps jQuery helper

    maplace.js : A small Google Maps jQuery helper

    Maplace.js helps you to embed Google Maps into your website, quickly create markers and controls menu for the locations on map.It requires jQuery and Google Maps API v3 so you need to have both in your page.


    • Straightforward implementation with simple options
    • Can run as many maps as required
    • Markers and custom icons, zoom level and custom controls menu
    • Supports for Directions, Polygons, Polylines, Fusion tables and styled maps
    • Works in all major browsers, including IE6 (this website not so much)

    Using HTML5 Geolocation API with Google, Bing and Nokia Maps

    Using HTML5 Geolocation API with Google, Bing and Nokia Maps

    HTML5 Geolocation API allows users to share their location with web applications by capturing the approximate longitude and latitude coordinates of the user with their permission. The Geolocation feature can be used to enrich many types of web applications by adding automatic location information. For example, users can share their locations with their friends in a social network, can be guided to a direction or location based ads can be displayed. The Geolocation API can be paired up with different maps, such as Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps or Nokia Ovi Maps.


    As far the use privacy is concerned, the HTML5 specification explicitly requires the user permission to share its location to any application requesting Geolocation information.Almost all modern browsers Firefox 3.5+, Opera 10.6+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+ and Internet Explorer 9+ support Geolocation API.

    Majuro.JS : Make Interactive Maps with open buildings data

    Majuro.JS : Make Interactive Maps with open buildings data

    Majuro.js is an open data platform. In each city, users select a neighborhood or draw a custom area to extract buildings. They then can color-code, annotate, and describe each building, before creating a static site by forking the repo and adding their JSON data through Github’s web interface.

    The objective is to develop custom maps based on cities’ public data, without leaving the web browser or introducing command line tools.

    Google Map Instant Search in jQuery

    Google Map Instant Search in jQuery

    Today  i  created a new looking “Google Map Instant Search” with simple  jquery and j-son script ,by using Google’s API and by using instant search function keyup(function(e)) this will started to display the places as you type the results on the search box with simple and neat  user interface and easy to search .

    Geolocation : A jQuery plugin to Get Location of your users

    Geolocation : A jQuery plugin to Get Location of your users

    Include this jquery plugin to get the location of the users visiting your webpage.This plugin displays the complete address, latitude and logitude of the user in a div and also displays the location found in a Google map.

    DataMaps : jQuery Interactive maps for data visualizations

    DataMaps : jQuery Interactive maps for data visualizations

    Interactive maps for data visualizations. Bundled into a single Javascript file.

    geolib.js : jQuery library to provide basic geo functions

    geolib.js : jQuery library to provide basic geo functions

    A small jQuery library to provide some basic geo functions like distance calculation, conversion of decimal coordinates to sexagesimal and vice versa, etc.

    jHERE : Maps made easy with jQuery

    jHERE : Maps made easy with jQuery

    Maps are cool, but map APIs are complicated. jHERE solves this problem by offering a simple but powerful map API in the form of a jQuery (or Zepto.JS) plugin.

    With jHERE, you can easily add interactive maps to your website. In only 4KB, you get a powerful map API, highly customizable markers, event handling and info bubbles. Bonus features are KML support and data visualization via heatmaps.

    jQuery Responsive google maps

    jQuery Responsive google maps

    Well, when scrolling a website on your mobile device you can get trapped in a google map due to the Maps scrollbar of death™. This plugin gives you a native google maps on your website and a safe fallback to the static image API of google maps for smaller devices.

    jLocator : jQuery Store Locator

    jLocator : jQuery Store Locator

    jLocator is a jQuery store locator plugin uses Google Maps API V3 and enables searching, sorting, filtering and pagination for your stores. No database required.


    • No database required
    • Google API V3 , no key required
    • All stores are declared in HTML ,
      stores HTML structure is flexible and can be changed easily.
    • Any additional info can be added to a store.
    • Map pin can be replaced by any image/icon
    • User location detection (geolocation)
    • Search stores by address, city or postal code.
    • Sort stores by title or any other property.
    • Stores auto pagination
    • Can be added several kinds on filters:
      checkbox filters, dropdown filters and textbox search
    • Fully customizable styles
    • Works in all major browsers