Best jQuery Maps Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Geocomplete : jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin

    Geocomplete : jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin

    An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps API’s Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services. You simply provide an input that lets you search for locations with a nice autocomplete dropdown. Optionally add a container to show an interactive map and a form that will be populated with the address details.

    Custom Interactive Map : jQuery Plugin

    Custom Interactive Map : jQuery Plugin

    If you would like to turn your photo/vector graphic map into a fancy interactive map application that is supported by every major browser and it’s working even on mobile or other touch devices, you can stop seeking, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, you came to the only place, since it is the only utility available with this unique feature set.The supported map file formats are: JPG, PNG and SVG.


    • Unlimited landmarks: Any number of locations with unique pins and various actions
    • Unlimited floors: Multiple floors are supported without any limitation
    • Deeplinking: Every location can be referenced by it’s own URL
    • Browser support: Works great in every major browser, even Internet Explorer 8
    • Responsive design: Provides optimal experience across a wide range of devices
    • Touch optimized: Touchscreen devices, like tablets and smartphones are also supported
    • Well documented: A detailed user guide is included

    WhatsNearby : jQuery plugin to list and show nearby Places

    WhatsNearby : jQuery plugin to list and show nearby Places

    A jQuery plugin to list and show nearby places around a certain position using Google Maps.

    mobileGmap : jQuery responsive Google maps

    mobileGmap : jQuery responsive google maps

    Well, when scrolling a website on your mobile device you can get trapped in a google map due to the Maps scrollbar of death™. This plugin gives you a native google maps on your website and a safe fallback to the static image API of google maps for smaller devices.

    FormMapper : Address Autocomplete & Geolocation with jQuery

    FormMapper : Address Autocomplete & Geolocation with jQuery

    An advanced jQuery plugin that utilizes the Google Maps API’s Geocoding and Places Autocomplete services. You simply provide a single input field that lets you search for locations with an autocomplete dropdown. Optionally: you can add a map container that will display an interactive map with drag and drop location finding capabilities and a form that will be populated with the complete address details including the latitude and longitude coordinates.

    jQuery birdseye : Plugin for moving-map search

    jQuery birdseye : Plugin for moving-map search

    A plugin for moving-map search, like on Yelp or Airbnb. Built with jQuery and Leaflet.

    jQuery Birdseye is a plugin for replicating the “search in map” functionality of Yelp/Airbnb/Google using the API of your choosing. With a small bit of setup, you can have the sweet, mapsearchy goodness that these sites do, at a fraction of the cost.

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap.This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.In their original forms, jQuery UI and Bootstrap can’t coexist resulting in conflicts with both CSS classes and styles as well as JavaScript when you do try to use them. jQuery UI Bootstrap provides the JavaScript and CSS required to quickly start a project using both jQuery UI and Twitter Bootstrap.

    Our solution offers a custom version of Bootstrap compatible with jQuery UI as well as a Bootstrap-themed jQuery UI theme you can use to prototype your projects.

    5sec Google Maps Standalone with jQuery

    5sec Google Maps Standalone with jQuery

    5sec Google Maps Standalone with jQuery have following features :


    • 5sec concept ensures you’re not wasting your time
    • all configuration is done through HTML – no messy JS
    • iframe and single image maps are available for extra speed
    • fully responsive
    • supports multiple maps per page
    • configurable bubble for location pin (iframe maps)
    • configurable location pin (image maps)
    • works on any site or CMS
    • detailed documentation
    • extremely easy to configure

    Google Maps Events

    Google Maps Events

    “Google Maps Events” is a nice way for show locations info when click on map’s markers. The script using XML files for show the information for each location. You can show the information in an accordion menu, in tabs menu, as modal window or in a simple div in any area of your pages! You can add the location coordinates in XML file or get the coordinates by address (geocoding)! The script coming with 24 demos and a useful tool for find the coordinates by address!


    • Edit a XML file for set your information and map settings
    • You can using coordinates or address for set the markers on map
    • Show the location’s info in accordion, tabs, modal window or simple div
    • Show polylines, directions or just the markers on map
    • Styling polylines and directions lines (color, opacity, symbols like arrows etc)
    • You can use different markers (icons and dimensions) for each location in the same map
    • Editable tooltip when you put the mouse over a marker
    • Nice scrollbars for tabs and text (when are bigger than div’s height)
    • Complete documentation with step by step instructions
    • You can change the style very easy with simple CSS

    jQuery Interactive Google Map using the Twitter API

    jQuery Interactive Google Map using the Twitter API

    Hey! In today’s tutorial we will create an interactive Google map using the geocoding service. Using the Twitter API we will retrieve the user’s location, and then display the profile picture on the map. We will also add the click action, after which we will retrieve the user’s 5 latest tweets.