Best jQuery Maps Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Europe, CSS & jQuery clickable map

    CSS converts a simple list of countries into the fully clickable map. Works with disabled style sheets and JavaScript, as well as on mobile devices. A simple code does not require Flash Player or other plug-ins!

    Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin

    This plugin renders unordered lists into a subway map similar in style to the London Underground map. It emphasizes a clean, aesthetic look with curves and proper placement of markers for stations and interchanges. Without any illustration tools, you can quickly go from HTML markup to a complete map visualization of information in a short amount of time. The rendering uses the HTML5 element and works with any browser that supports this element.

    Building an interactive map with Raphael

    Building an interactive map with Raphael

    In this tutorial by Marcin Dziewulski you are going to learn how to create an interactive map from scratch with the help of Raphael – Raphael is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web.

    JQuery Google Maps V1.01

    JQuery Google Maps V1.01

    With the Google Maps API, you can embed Google Maps in your own web pages with the power of jQuery. The Google Maps API provides a number of utilities for manipulating maps and adding content to a map, this jQuery plugin works to help simplify those steps with a few easy commands…

    gmap google maps plugin for jquery

    gmap google maps plugin for jquery

    gMap is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. With only 2 KB in size it is very flexible and highly customizable.There are a two requirements you need to meet before you can use gMap to display Google Maps on your website. First you need to sign up for a Google Maps API key. Second you need the jQuery library at least in version 1.3.