Best jQuery Maps Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Pagemap : Mini map for web pages

    Pagemap : Mini map for web pages

    Pagemap is a sort of navigation system which uses mini map for single page website or any other lengthy web page with javascript and html5 canvas.

    Maps Journey Replay : JavaScript Library

    Maps Journey Replay : JavaScript Library

    Javascript Library that loads a journey JSON object (coordinates + timestamp) and creates a replay on a map.

    Geocomplete : jQuery plugin for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geocomplete : jQuery plugin for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geocomplete is a simple plugin for Google Maps Autocomplete.

    AgentMaps : Social Simulations on Interactive Maps

    AgentMaps : Social Simulations on Interactive Maps

    AgentMaps is a Javascript library for building and visualizing dynamic social systems on maps. It is based on the Leafletinteractive mapping library. Given a neighborhood, AgentMaps lets you quickly and easily:

    • Build units along the streets.
    • Spawn agents onto the map.
    • Schedule them to move between places on the map.
    • Change their appearance and properties.

    Geomapify : Ultimate library for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geomapify : Ultimate library for Google Maps Autocomplete

    Geomapify is a ultimate javascript library for Google Maps Autocomplete.

    Nearby Places jQuery plugin

    Nearby Places jQuery plugin

    Elegant fully responsive jQuery plugin to view places near your/wanted location (restourants, parks, real estate agencies, gym, stores etc…) with calculate/show route, distance and walking time to near place.

    You don’t need to enter near places manually, places are auto detected based on Google Places.

    SmartMenu : Responsive jQuery Mega Menu

    SmartMenu : Responsive jQuery Mega Menu

    SmartMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable and responsive jQuery mega menu plugin. It allows you to use multiple menus with different submenus.


    • Responsive design
    • Supports multiple instances
    • Horizontal (top, bottom) or Vertical (left, right) menu layouts
    • Mega / Flyout submenus
    • Pure CSS3 animations (fade, slide)
    • 3 ways of dropdown (hover, click, toggle)
    • 7 color skins which can be changed easily
    • Custom mega dropdowns, forms, search bar, social icons or HTML
    • 12 columns fluid grid
    • You can add images, maps or videos

    Storelocator : jQuery Google maps Store locator plugin

    Storelocator : jQuery Google maps Store locator plugin

    A jQuery plugin to serve a store locator with google maps Application interface.

    StoryMapJS : Maps that tell Stories

    StoryMapJS : Maps that tell Stories

    StoryMapJS is a simple tool to help you tell stories with maps. If you want information on creating JSON with your own code and embedding it, see the “Advanced” documentation on the StoryMap website.

    jQuery Store Locator Plugin

    jQuery Store Locator Plugin

    Simple jQuery Plugin to show your stores on Google Maps.

    • load your data from a json file.
    • list and a detail site, fully customizable with jQuery template.
    • ability to set custom icon or for categories
    • ability to detect users location or by type his location
    • ability to use markercluster
    • customizable filter navigation
    • get a google maps panorama view for detail site
    • ability to use a route planner
    • simple search filter for list
    • customizable google map style