Today we’d like to share a little artsy effect with you. The idea is to show a fast fullscreen preview of images when hovering over a special link. In our demo we use the concept of a photographer’s website where the link to their works triggers the effect. On hover, some photos are shown rapidly in a loop. Once the link is clicked, the current image scales down and moves to its place in the grid. The animations are made using TweenMax.
Best jQuery Gallery Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Grid Layout with Scrollable Content View
Today we’d like to share a Masonry-powered grid layout with you that has a motion hover effect on the items and a content preview that is scrollable. Once a grid item is clicked, we animate the image to the center of the page and scale it up. The background of the item also scales up, filling the whole page and forming the new background of the content preview. The content preview is scrollable, with some more text showing beneath the image. The animations are powered by TweenMax.
Galpop : jQuery Image Gallery Plugin
Galpop is a jQuery plugin that creates image galleries. It can be controlled with the left and right arrow keys and automatically resizes with your browser.
- Resizes with your browser
- Can use arrow keys for controls
- Callbacks after every image is loaded
- Backgrounds and borders can be easily changed with CSS
Tobi : Simple Lightbox script without Dependencies
Tobi is a simple lightbox script without dependencies.
- No dependencies
- Simple and light-weight
- Keyboard support: Prev/Next keys allows to navigate through items, close the lightbox with the escape key
- Touch gestures: Drag/Swipe to navigate through items, close the lightbox with a vertical drag/swipe
Full Image Reveal Effect with TweenMax Animation
Today we’d like to share a simple fullscreen image reveal effect with you. The idea is to have an inital thumbnails layout at the bottom of the page and then animate the items when we click them. A covering element comes sliding in and when it moves out, the fullscreen image view is shown behind. We are using TweenMax for the animations.
Grid Layout with Motion Hover Effect and Content Preview
Today we’d like to share a little grid layout with you. We use CSS Grid and a playful hover effect on the grid items which are composed of different wildly placed elements. When an item is clicked, we slide in a content preview overlay and animate the grid items out and the preview items in. For the animations we use TweenMax by Greensock.
slideBox.js : jQuery Responsive lightbox-style media Galleries & Carousels
slideBox is a jQuery plugin for easy creation of responsive lightbox-style media galleries and carousels. Features:
- Groups together your media in a lightbox-style gallery or carousel.
- Autorotating carousels.
- Carousel pager support.
- CSS transitions.
- Basic UI included.
- Lazyloads images and video through lazysizes.js.
jQuery – Facebook,YouTube,Vimeo,Twitter,Instagram Social Stream Grid
- Responsive Design Layouts.
- 6 Style Available
- Inline Social read popup
- Inline Only image popup
- Custom Columns Layout
- Custom backgrond Color and hover background color
- Fitrow and Masonry Grid Layout
- Show more Pagination
- Multi Filtering
- Social Share icon for each post in popup
- 60+ animation effects