Best jQuery Forms Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Checkboxes.js : jQuery Plugin to give power to Checkboxes

    Checkboxes.js : jQuery Plugin to give power to Checkboxes

    Checkboxes.js is a jQuery plugin that give you nice powers over your checkboxes.


    • Check all checkboxes in context
    • Uncheck all checkboxes in context
    • Toggle states of all checkboxes in context
    • Enable range selection
    • Limit the number of checked checkbox per context
    • Data API like Twitter Bootstrap

    Placeholdem : Placeholder Caret Animation with JavaScript

    Placeholdem : Placeholder Caret Animation with JavaScript

    Placeholdem is a JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur.

    jQuery form Auto fill Plugin

    jQuery form Auto fill Plugin

    jQuery form auto fill plugin simply autofill an empty form with data.

    Alpaca : Easy HTML5 Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca : Easy HTML5 Forms for jQuery

    Alpaca is the Easy Forms Engine for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.

    It is built around JSON schema to keep things simple. Using Alpaca, you can express your forms object model, types, properties and validation logic. Forms rendered with Alpaca provide intuitive interfaces for your users while giving your business an assurance of data compliance.

    Alpaca comes pre-configured to work nicely with the following web frameworks:

    • jQuery
    • Twitter Bootstrap
    • jQuery UI
    • jQuery Mobile
    • Barebones (empty CSS)

    The Alpaca library is pre-packaged with controls, wizards, layouts, I18N support and pluggable template engines. We ship with support for jQuery Tmpl, EJS and Handlebars. Documentation and API information is provided so that you can extend Alpaca as you see fit.

    jQuery Email Autocomplete Plugin

    jQuery Email Autocomplete Plugin

    A jQuery plugin that suggests and autocompletes the domain whenever your users type in an email address field.Press the tab-key, or simply click on the suggestion to automatically fill in the rest of the domain.

    Picker : jQuery plugin for replacing default checkboxes & radios

    Picker : jQuery plugin for replacing default checkboxes & radios

    Picker is a jQuery plugin for replacing default checkboxes and radios. Part of the formstone library.

    Password : jQuery plugin to Check any Password Field live

    Password : jQuery plugin to Check any Password Field live

    jQuery plugin which checks passwords live against a set of criteria including personal information and dictionary words.

    Rich_textarea : jQuery UI plugin replacement for a TEXTAREA

    rich_textarea: jQuery UI plugin replacement for a TEXTAREA

    Rich_TextArea is a jQuery plugin replacement for the venerable HTML TEXTAREA that adds arbitrary triggered autocompletes along with the insertion of rich “embedded objects” included images, links, or any other markup.

    Rich_TextArea is not a WYSIWYG editor. It’s intended to be a replacement for a plain TEXTAREA with some additional features including:

    1. dropdown autocomplete support based on definable trigger characters such as @mentions, #tags, etc.
    2. insertion of arbitrary markup to represent “embedded objects”, such as images, links, etc. which are treated as single entities from the point of view of cursor movement and mouse selections.
    3. regular expression triggered callbacks enabling things like in-line URL rewriting, smiley insertion, etc.
    4. generation of a plain text representation of the editable area.

    jQuery Bootstrap Form Alerts

    jQuery Bootstrap Form Alerts

    A jQuery plugin for displaying Bootstrap form alerts via jQuery events.


    • Event based
    • Modeled after Bootstrap’s plugins
    • Automatic binding via html attributes. : Build and validate bank account forms : Build and validate bank account forms

    A jQuery plugin for building bank account forms, formatting and validating inputs.Validates a given number as a bank account field field in country countryCode. It returns if it is valid and false if it is invalid.

    Note that validation is designed to detect accidental errors. In other word, if the validation test says the number is invalid, it is 100% incorrect. However, if the test says the number is valid, there is a chance that the number is incorrect.