A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features.
Best jQuery Forms Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Web Form : Multi Purpose HTML Form with jQuery Validation
Web Form is a Full Responsive Ajax HTML Form with Required field jQuery validation and Anti Spam (Google reCaptcha & simple Math Captcha) built on HTML5/CSS3 and JQuery. Code written in a simple way by which you can easily integrated at your site.
Web Form Responsive Ajax HTML Form can be used for your organization/ company/ business or personal use. So that your website visitors/ customers/ clients/ agents/ members can be touched with you and let you know their concern through the form.
- AJAX enabled (no page reload)
- Required field jQuery validation
- Google auto Location search
- Anti Spam (Google reCaptcha & simple Math Captcha)
- Validation error message popup alert
- Success message popup alert
- W3C Valid HTML Code
Ideas for Proximity Feedback with Progressive Hover Effects
Today we’d like to share some subtle proximity feedback ideas with you. We’re exploring a progressive hover effect which triggers not just when we are hovering an element but progressively, when we come close to it. There are several interesting use cases for this kind of effect and today we wanted to showcase some of them.
Password Strength Visualization with JavaScript
Today we’d like to share a little reimplementation of an interesting effect with you. The idea came from this Reddit entry which describes a method of showing an image less pixelated the stronger the password entered is. You can see the idea in action on the signup page of Colibro. We thought this was an awesome idea and wanted to experiment with it, and also with the reverse logic.