Best jQuery Events Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Tornis : JavaScript library that Watches and Respond to Browser ViewPort

    Tornis : JavaScript library that Watches and Respond to Browser ViewPort

    Taking its name from the forest watchtowers of Latvia, Tornis is a minimal JavaScript library that watches the state of your browser’s viewport, allowing you to respond whenever something changes.Tornis currently tracks state for:

    • Mouse position
    • Mouse cursor velocity
    • Viewport size
    • Scroll position
    • Scroll velocity

    Scrollama : JavaScript Library for Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver

    Scrollama : JavaScript Library for Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver

    Scrollama is a modern & lightweight JavaScript library for scrollytelling using Intersection Observer in favor of scroll events.

    The goal of this library is to provide a simple interface for creating scroll-driven interactives. Scrollama is focused on perfomance by using Intersection Observer to handle element position detection. It offers an opinionated scrollytelling pattern to reduce more involved DOM calculations.


    imageLife : jQuery plugin for Interacting Image with Mouse Move

    imageLife : jQuery plugin for Interacting Image with Mouse Move

    ImageLife is Jquery Plugin purpose for interacting image with event mouse move.

    Pressure.js : JavaScript library for handling Force Touch & 3D Touch

    Pressure.js : JavaScript library for handling Force Touch & 3D Touch

    Pressure is a JavaScript library for handling both Force Touch and 3D Touch on the web, bundled under one library with a simple API that makes working with them painless.

    scrollClass : jQuery Plugin to Add Class on Scroll Behavior

    scrollClass : jQuery Plugin to Add Class on Scroll Behavior

    scrollClass is a jQuery plugin that adds specified classes to an element based on scroll behavior.

    Emergence.js : Detect Element Visibility in the Browser

    Emergence.js : Detect Element Visibility in the Browser

    Emergence.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS plugin for detecting and manipulating elements in the browser. It gives the developer the freedom to use their own CSS or JS to determine what happens; whether it’s animation or a change in state. It leverages HTML5 data-* attributes instead of classes for ease and developer clarity. Emergence.js is one of the lightest and most compatible plugins of its kind.

    PlusAsTab : jQUery plugin for Alternative Tab Key equivalent

    PlusAsTab : jQUery plugin for Alternative Tab Key equivalent

    PlusAsTab is a jQuery plugin to use the numpad plus key (configurable) as a tab key equivalent.

    ScrollCallback : jQuery Scrolling Watch Event Plugin

    ScrollCallback : jQuery Scrolling Watch Event Plugin

    ScrollCallback is easy way to watch specific DOM-elements scrolling into and out of view and fires a callback for them.

    BackgroundCheck : JavaScript Script to detect Background Color Version

    BackgroundCheck : JavaScript Script to detect Background Color Version

    Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.

    scrollDetection : jQuery plugin to Detects your Scroll Position

    scrollDetection : jQuery plugin to Detects your Scroll Position

    scrollDetection is a jQuery plugin to detects your scroll position up or down.