Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Vertu : Simple Mega Menu with jQuery, Html5 & CSS3

    Vertu : Simple Mega Menu with jQuery, Html5 & CSS3

    Vertu – Simple Mega Menu is simple and easy mega menu with many functions.


    • Multi-Functional Menu
    • 4 levels drop down horizontal menu
    • Easy to change structure via CSS
    • Simple menu construction
    • Metro Style Menu
    • Cross Browser Support
    • Clean Code
    • Include HTML5/CSS3 and JavaScript file
    • Beautiful Contact Form

    Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview in jQuery & CSS

    Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview in jQuery & CSS

    A tutorial on how to create a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.If you have searched images on Google recently, you might have noticed the interesting expanding preview for a larger image when you click on a thumbnail. It’s a really nice effect and it is very practical, making a search much easier. Today we want to show you how to create a similar effect on a thumbnail grid. The idea is to open a preview when clicking on a thumbnail and to show a larger image and some other content like a title, a description and a link.

    The interesting part is to calculate the correct preview height and to scroll the page to the right position. We’ll expand the preview in a way so that we can see the respective thumbnail row and cover the rest of the remaining page. Note that we don’t use very large images for the preview in the demo so you might see a lot of empty space on large monitors.

    CSS Arrow Please : Generate CSS tooltip arrows with JavaScript

    CSS Arrow Please : Generate CSS tooltip arrows with JavaScript

    Generate the CSS for a tooltip arrow with the help of javascript

    Unlimited Grid Layout in CSS & JavaScript

    Unlimited Grid Layout in CSS & JavaScript

    During my work as a frontend developer I coded many sites with a full page layout, both before and after the Flash decline.

    Coding this type of layout was, every time, one step forward towards a better and more maintainable CSS structure; however, even if every single length was expressed as a relative and flexible unit, we need to know the number of pages.

    For example: if we have an horizontal structure of 6 pages we set the pages’ container width to 600% and every single child page width to 16.66%. But if the number of pages changed to 5 or 7 we have to edit the CSS.

    flowtime.js : HTML5/CSS3/JS Presentation Framework

    flowtime.js : HTML5/CSS3/JS Presentation Framework

    Flowtime.js is a framework for easily build HTML presentations or websites.You can navigate in many ways. The most common way is using the keyboard.

    Flowtime.js is designed to perfectly fit your viewport and is based on a solid display: inline-block; foundation.
    This frameworks doesn’t style your presentations or sites for you but it takes care of all the annoying things like navigation and deep-linking, so you are free to style every single element of your design as you like. But for the ones who need a ready-to-use tool it comes with a default theme that you can edit or you can add new themes just by linking your css files.

    Sky jQuery Touch Carousel

    Sky jQuery Touch Carousel

    Sky jQuery Touch Carousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with rich set of features. It is responsive, touch-enabled, fast and smooth. It can be easily integrated into your own web projects. You can customize the visual appearance of the plugin with the help of the plugin options and CSS.


    • Supports touch devices. (iPad, iPhone, Android etc.)
    • Offers keyboard and mouse wheel support.
    • Supports multiple instances.
    • Auto slideshow and loop.
    • Hardware acceleration (Uses GPU for graphic intensive tasks)
    • Uses CSS3 transitions.
    • Has responsive layout.
    • Supports Internet Explorer 7-8.
    • Reflection and gradient overlay effects.

    ClassyGradient : jQuery Gradient Maker Plugin

    ClassyGradient : jQuery Gradient Maker Plugin
    ClassyGradientis a jQuery plugin that allows you to add a gradient generator to your web applications and websites. Smart and fully cutomizable, it is suitable for any type of use: CSS generators, HTML5 canvas applications, live usage.

    • Unlimited gradient points.
    • HTML5 Browsers compatible (IE9 +).
    • Generate CSS code.
    • Customizable by CSS.
    • Can easily be combined with HTML5 canvas.
    • No server files, only jQuery & CSS.

    MelonHTML5 – jQuery Grid Slider

    MelonHTML5 - jQuery Grid Slider

    Grid Slider is a light-weight, high performance plugin that lets you display multiple items in perfect grid layout. It comes with various options letting you configure it without manually changing code. You could also use its built-in API to intergrate it with your own app very easily.

    navIgo : Multipurpose jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    navIgo : Multipurpose jQuery Responsive Navigation Plugin

    One can truly say this is really the ultimate navigation tool.With 65 jQuery plugin parameters there are thousands of customization options… literally!
    All menus on this page are initialized with the same jQuery plugin settings, all the differences you see between the menus are managed through data-attributes.


    • Cross Browser Support (IE9 – Firefox – Chrome – Opera – Safari) + browser fallback message for IE9 below cases
    • 65 plugin parameters: you can control almost anything, and easy!
    • Horizontal or vertical orientation
    • Support for fullwidth dropdowns: any complex layout allowed, text blocks, video, tables, typograpy pictures
    • Easy skin control: set button colors, mouseover colors, text, shadows, alpha transparence directly with plugin parameters
    • Super granular Google font support: you can set font type and size for Main buttons, sub buttons /titles, subtitles and text
    • Auto active-button state: based on url address but it works even for # links (useful for ajax loaded pages)
    • 25 predefined colors: ready to use color classes inspired from metro colors
    • Programmable responsive behavior: you can set the limit screen resolution for responsive mediaquery activation.

    HexaFlip: A Flexible 3D Cube Plugin with CSS3 & JavaScript

    HexaFlip: A Flexible 3D Cube Plugin with CSS3 & JavaScript

    HexaFlip is a JavaScript UI plugin that let’s you use 3D cubes as interface elements. Dive into the process of creating the plugin and learn some best practices regarding flexible UI plugins.

    I originally developed a simpler version of HexaFlip for an iPhone app I built called ChainCal where it served as a time-picker interface for setting alarms. Most mobile time-picker widgets are fashioned after a dial, but I reasoned that rotating cubes would serve for a more unique and memorable experience. As we all know, a cube has six (i.e. “hexa”) faces, but when rotating it around a single axis, we only have four to work with (front, top, back, and bottom). Thus if we built a cube interface using CSS alone, our interface would be limited to four options per choice. HexaFlip solves this issue and playfully challenges the user’s expectations by allowing the cube to cycle over a list of any length.