Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Gmail Style Message Inbox with jQuery & CSS

    Gmail Style Message Inbox with jQuery & CSS

    Today I am going to tell how to create Gmail Style Email Message Inbox Design with jQuery & CSS.  From this design you can able to

    • Add Star / Unstar Messages
    • Delete Single Message
    • Delete Multiple Messages
    • Mark as Read
    • Mark as Unread

    This tutorial will bring you exactly look like gmail feature. Designers can easily integrate this code in your existing web projects.

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

    A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap.This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.In their original forms, jQuery UI and Bootstrap can’t coexist resulting in conflicts with both CSS classes and styles as well as JavaScript when you do try to use them. jQuery UI Bootstrap provides the JavaScript and CSS required to quickly start a project using both jQuery UI and Twitter Bootstrap.

    Our solution offers a custom version of Bootstrap compatible with jQuery UI as well as a Bootstrap-themed jQuery UI theme you can use to prototype your projects.

    A Collection of Page Transitions with CSS3 & jQuery

    A Collection of Page Transitions with CSS3 & jQuery

    Today we’d like to share a collection of creative page transitions with you. We’ve put together a couple of animations that could be applied to “pages” for creating interesting navigation effects when revealing a new page. While some effects are very simplistic, i.e. a simple slide movement, others make use of perspective and 3d transforms to create some depth and dynamics.

    Please note that this is just for showcasing some interesting effects and for inspiration. It is not a slider or anything like that. We’ll just apply some classes to make the page transition visible, not for navigating.

    Responsive Nav : Responsive navigation plugin with JavaScript & CSS3

    Responsive Nav : Responsive navigation plugin with JavaScript & CSS3

    Responsive Nav is a tiny JavaScript plugin which weighs only 1.7 KB minified and Gzip’ed, and helps you to create a toggled navigation for small screens. It uses touch events and CSS3 transitions for the best possible performance. It also contains a “clever” workaround that makes it possible to transition from height: 0 to height: auto, which isn’t normally possible with CSS3 transitions.

    jQuery Final Tiles Gallery

    jQuery Final Tiles Gallery

    FINALLY the best gallery for tiled layouts because it doesn’t crop your images while it still offers a complex layout, it’s not the same old boring layout made of columns or rows of same size.

    Best results are achieved using images of different sizes. Using images of same size will simply give you a standard grid layout.

    Horizontal Slide Out Menu with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Horizontal Slide Out Menu with CSS3 & JavaScript

    A horizontal slide out menu with a grid-like thumbnail layout for the submenu. With media query examples for smaller devices. The menu slides out from the top when a main menu item is clicked and the sub-items fade in. When clicking on another item, the height of the submenu will adjust and the content will fade in and out while switching.

    Some media query examples show how to make the menu responsive and change the view to a touch-friendly vertically stacked navigation.

    CSS3 Product Grid Layout with JavaScript

    CSS3 Product Grid Layout with JavaScript

    A responsive product grid layout that comes with some UI details for inspiration. The product will rotate showing the backside of the item when the rotate button is clicked. Some examples of how tooltips can appear on hover or click are also included. Media queries can be used to resize the items in the grid or change the number of items in a row. Flexbox is used when supported.

    Responsive Retina-Ready Menu with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Responsive Retina-Ready Menu with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Today we will create a colorful Retina-ready and responsive menu inspired by the colors of the Maliwan manufacturer of the Borderlands game. The menu automatically changes to one of three different layouts depending on the browser window size: a “desktop” inline version, a two columns tablet-optimized version and a mobile version with a menu link to display and hide the navigation for smaller screens. To make the menu fully retina-ready, we will use an icon font so that the icons of the menu won’t get pixelized on resize.

    Blocks – jQuery CSS3 Responsive Menu

    Blocks - jQuery CSS3 Responsive Menu

    “Blocks – Responsive Menu” is navigation component based in jQuery and CSS. It is a responsive menu component and can be used in various website types.


    • 8 Styles
    • Javascript/CSS3 effects
    • Icon Support
    • Collapsible
    • Cross Browser
    • Easy to use
    • Easy to customize

    Text Opening Sequence with CSS Animations & jQuery

    Text Opening Sequence with CSS Animations & jQuery

    Today I want to show you how to create a fun little typography effect with CSS animations and text shadows. Maybe you know those eerie opening sequences of movie trailers where some text is being faded in on a dark background. After seeing Introducting Briefs (which is not a terror movie trailer but a preview for an interesting app) I got inspired for recreating the effect using CSS. we’ll use Dave Rupert’s Lettering.js to wrap the words and letters into multiple spans.