Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Link Quake : Make links shake using CSS3

    Link Quake : Make links shake using CSS3

    Make links and other elements shake using CSS3.Known to work on Chrome and Firefox.

    GalleryModule : Html5 CSS3 & jQuery Single Page Gallery

    GalleryModule : Html5 CSS3 & jQuery Single Page Gallery

    GalleryModule : Html5 CSS3 & jQuery Single Page Gallery.

    FullScreen Background Slider – jQuery SlideShow

    FullScreen Background Slider - jQuery SlideShow

    The plugin using the latest CSS3 transitions with some jQuery to display a really unique Gallery Slideshow on your website’s background. With 20 animation types, 20+ patterns and customizable timing it can be a exciting tool to create great websites, landing pages and coming soon sites.


    • Responsive, Mobile-Friendly
    • 20 Animation Effects
    • Lightweight javascript (~14Kb), using CSS3 Transitions
    • Compatible with all major browers
    • 20 built-in patterns
    • Customizable Animation Time
    • init(), destroy(), updatepattern() methods
    • jQuery Animations on Old Browsers

    Scattered Polaroids Gallery with JavaScript & CSS3

    Scattered Polaroids Gallery with JavaScript & CSS3

    A flat-style Polaroid gallery where the items are scattered randomly in a container. When a specific item is selected, it will move to the middle while the other Polaroids will make space for it by moving to the sides. Optionally, an item can have a backface which will be shown by flipping the Polaroid when clicking on the current navigation dot again.

    Stylie : A graphical CSS3 animation tool

    Stylie : A graphical CSS3 animation tool

    Stylie is a fun tool for easily creating CSS 3 animations. You can configure your animation graphically, tweak it, grab the generated CSS and go!

    Responsive HTML5 gallery tutorial with CSS3

    Responsive HTML5 gallery tutorial with CSS3

    Responsive HTML5 image gallery tutorial. CSS3 acceleration.


    • Responsivity: adjust layout and behaviour
    • Touch event handling
    • Fastclicks without 300ms click delay
    • CSS3 accelerations
    • SPA architecture
    • Scalable graphics via icon font
    • Client side local storage

    Stickyfloat : jQuery Animated Fixed Position Element Plugin

    Stickyfloat : jQuery Animated Fixed Position Element Plugin

    This plugin makes it possible to have a fixed position element that is relative to it’s parent. A normal fixed positioned element would be “out of context” and is very difficult to use in the most common situations with fluid designs. This plugin solves that problem with as little code as I could possible get it so it will run in the most optimized way, while also allow you to customize it in many important ways which might suit you best.


    • Can handle many floated elements, each with it’s own settings
    • Floated elements’ movement can be bound inside their parents’ area
    • Uses Native javascript easing, but using CSS3 transitions would be the optimum (not for IE)
    • Has many settings, such as stick to the bottom or animation style
    • Code is very maintainable and higly efficient

    A-Slider : jQuery CSS3 Responsive slider with Audio support

    A-Slider : jQuery CSS3 Responsive slider with Audio support

    A simple, CSS3 responsive slider with no external dependencies except jQuery.


    • No dependencies except jQuery; works well with Twitter Bootstrap if required
    • Specify optional audio for each slide
    • Specify slide duration individually for each slide
    • Supports multiple sliders on the same page
    • Uses CSS 3 transitions for better performance
    • Slide any content, not just images
    • Configuration done using HTML attributes – no javascript configuration needed

    FontAwesome Animation with CSS3

    FontAwesome Animation with CSS3

    Simple animations using FontAwesome and some CSS3.

    Magic Slider with layers & Carousel with LightBox

    Magic Slider with layers & Carousel with LightBox

    Magic Slider and Carousel will help you to create the next generation of sliders, using the CSS3 transitions for layers and an ultra-smooth KenBurns effect. You’ll also be able to create interactive ‘magic’ carousels with YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video support; HTML5 audio support; Image support; Links support.


    • touch screen navigation support for mobile
    • responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
    • 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
    • layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
    • animated layers from any direction: top, bottom, left and right using smoooth CSS3 transitions.CSS and HTML formated
    • each layer has parameters for intial move animation, intermediate move animation and exit move animation
    • Ultra-smooth Ken Burns Effect for background image, on all major browsers
    • ‘Fade’ and ‘Slide’ transitions to navigate between the slides. Parameters to set the speed and easing.
    • Fixed Dimensions Version, Full Width Version and Responsive Version
    • external url link parameter for each slide
    • target parameter: _blank or _self
    • width & height parameters
    • autoplay parameter
    • loop parameter
    • show/hide controllers parameter
    • show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
    • circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
    • you can include YouTube and Vimeo