Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Google Grid Gallery with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Google Grid Gallery with CSS3 & JavaScript

    A responsive Masonry grid with a gallery view using 3D Transforms. Based on the gallery seen on the Chromebook Getting Started guide by Google.

    This Blueprint is a responsive grid gallery based on the gallery by Google for the Chromebook Getting Started guide. In this Blueprint we use Masonry for the grid and 3D transforms for navigating the items. For smaller screens we have some example media queries that adjust the grid layout and also the gallery view.

    jQuery Vertical News Slider

    jQuery Vertical News Slider

    A jQuery and CSS3-based slider module that displays news headlines on the left along with a preview image and brief description on the right. The “current” item is highlighted and switches automatically at intervals.

    jQuery checkradios : jQuery Plugin to use CSS to style checkboxes and radios

    jQuery checkradios : jQuery Plugin to use CSS to style checkboxes and radios

    A lightweight jQuery Plugin that allows you to use CSS to style checkboxes and radios without using images.

    This jQuery plugin was designed to allow you to fully customize checkboxes and radios without using standard images and with scalability in mind. Most plugins I have come across use images such as jpegs and pngs to add custom checkbox ticks and radio circles. This plugin instead uses vector based icons/fonts to add in the ticks and circles which allows far greater customisation as well as scalability and ultimately much greater control over the checkboxes and radios using css.

    Inspiration for Item Transitions with CSS3 Animations

    Inspiration for Item Transitions with CSS3 Animations

    Some inspiration and ideas for item transitions considering different scenarios and use cases, including a small component, a full-width image header and a product image with a transparent background. State transitions are done using CSS Animations.

    jQuery – Ultimate Fancy Form

    jQuery - Ultimate Fancy Form

    Your forms deserve to fancy and create an impression.


    • 10 Main concepts
    • 6 Premade bootstrap templates
    • 6 Premade workless templates
    • 6 Premade Foundation Templates
    • Validation
    • Elegant Sound
    • Easy Multiple Select
    • Story Box
    • CSS Transitions

    Tilted Content Slideshow with CSS3 Transform & Animation

    Tilted Content Slideshow with CSS3 Transform & Animation

    A tutorial on how to recreate the slideshow seen on the FWA landing page with 3D effects involving random animations.

    The FWA landing page has a really nice content slider that plays with 3D perspective on screenshots and animates them in an interesting way. Today we’d like to recreate part of that effect and make a simple content slideshow with some fancy 3D animations. The slideshow won’t be the same as the one on the FWA page: the items won’t be “floating” or moving on hover and we’ll only have a simple navigation.

    InfinitySlider – jQuery Slider with CSS3 Animations

    InfinitySlider - jQuery Slider with CSS3 Animations

    Modern, Customizable, Clean, Fluid and Responsive. Responsive effects by default and fully compatible with Desktop, Notebook, Tablet, Smarphone, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.Image Autofit is an awesome feature that allows you to responsive your images automatically by cutting its edges and resizing its sizes, to preserve a high definition on every device and create an awesome slider for desktop and mobile.


    • Super-Fluid CSS3 Effects & Transitions on Desktop & Mobile
    • You can select your IN/OUT/BACK Times for each element
    • HTML & CSS Content supported, you can add texts, images, videos, canvas, pricing tables, and all you want.
    • Fully Support of Video Embedding as Fullscreen or Boxed
    • Youtube & Vimeo API that stops the video if you change the slide
    • Image Autofit that allows you to select the subject position on the images
    • Cinematic Effect that allows you to make an animation-movement of the images
    • Blur Effect that allows you to make an automatic blur image from a normal one
    • Fully Cross-Browser Compatibility
    • Bootstrap 3 Integrated so you can use all the Bootstrap Elements inside the slide
    • Easy to integrate with other Frameworks
    • Font Awesome 4 Integrated
    • Fully Responsive
    • Play & Stop with the slide loader
    • Autoplay, you can active it to start your slide when the page is opened
    • Keyboard Navigation


    CSS Button Hover Effects

    CSS Button Hover Effects

    Today I’d like to share with you a bunch of pretty neat CSS only buttons I’ve put together. I’m also going to go over their creation, and using them in design.

    Button design can actually be quite fun so here are a bunch of ideas I put together to share with you which you are totally entitled to use on your site or project. The idea was to use CSS in a way to make buttons more fun, or interesting at least, and I accomplished this in a few ways.

    Imager – Amazing Image Tool for WordPress

    Imager – Amazing Image Tool for WordPress

    The plugin allows to create unlimited image sizes, regenerate the thumbs and to add css filters and animations directly from WP’s Media Section.


    • Custom thumb sizes
    • Unlimited sizes
    • WP Cropping
    • Manage sizes as Posts
    • Save your sizes from WP or Theme Updates
    • Regenerate all thumbnails in 1 Click
    • Find your custom sizes in WP MEDIA select
    • Add 31 different CSS Filters to the thumb
    • Add 30 different CSS Animation to the thumb
    • Manage the options in “ADD MEDIA” (editor)

    flavr – Flat jQuery Popup Dialog

    flavr - Flat jQuery Popup Dialog

    flavr is a freshly build stylish popup dialog for your next flat website. flavr is built to be responsive, able to adapt its layout and position to any screen size of your viewer with the power of CSS. Just like you, we are avoiding javascript on things we could do with pure CSS.


    • Clean & Modern Flat Design
    • Well Documented
    • Fully Responsive
    • Lightweight yet Powerful
    • Bootstrap Compatible
    • CSS3 Animated in Modern Browser
    • jQuery Powered
    • Cross Browser Support