Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Jvfloat.js : jQuery plugin to emulate Floating Placeholder Text

    Jvfloat.js : jQuery plugin to emulate Floating Placeholder Text

    jQuery and Zepto plugin to emulate the behavior of JVFloatLabeledTextField which based on the concept from Matt D. Smith.

    JVFloat uses CSS3 Transform and Transitions to perform the animations by default. Browsers that doesn’t support those will simply doesn’t show anything when user typing on the input elements. to fix that, enable/uncomment the legacy rules on the default CSS file, and comment out the CSS3 rules.

    UtilCarousel Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin

    UtilCarousel Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin

    UtilCarousel is a fully responsive jQuery carousel plugin with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions.


    • Fully responsive in tow mode: breakpoints and item width range.
    • Super smooth hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback.
    • Touch , drag , mousewheel , pagination , navigation all enable.
    • 9+ builded in modern skins , ready to use and easy to customize!
    • Touch-enable ,Works in IE7+(the skins work on ie8+) and on Android and iPhone
    • Over 24 plugin options.
    • Developer aip and callbacks.
    • Unlimited carousels that can have any content.
    • Advanced options for responsive (itemless,itemWidthRangeConflict,rangeCaculate).

    Responsive Bootstrap MegaMenu with jQuery & CSS3

    Responsive Bootstrap MegaMenu with jQuery & CSS3
    Mega Menus allow you to see all the features available to the user at one shot and dont require users to drill down into further sub navigation as needed.
    Bootstrap Megamenu are common on e-commerce sites because they typically include a lot of categories of different products, and so megamenu can be always very useful for visitors & users.

    MixItUp 2 : jQuery Animated Filtering & Sorting Plugin

    MixItUp 2 : jQuery Animated Filtering & Sorting Plugin

    MixItUp is a jQuery plugin providing animated filtering and sorting.

    MixItUp is great for managing any categorized or ordered content like portfolios, galleries and blogs, but can also function as a powerful tool for engaging application UI and data-visualisation.MixItUp plays nice with your existing HTML and CSS, making it a great choice for responsive layouts.

    Rather than using absolute positioning to control layout, MixItUp is designed to work with your existing inline-flow layout. Want to use percentages, media queries, inline-block, or even flex box? No problem!

    Slick : jQuery Fully Responsive Carousel Plugin

    Slick : jQuery Fully Responsive Carousel Plugin

    Slick is a jQuery fully responsive carousel plugin.


    • Separate settings per breakpoint
    • Uses CSS3 when available. Fully functional when not.
    • Swipe enabled. Or disabled, if you prefer.
    • Desktop mouse dragging
    • Infinite looping.
    • Fully accessible with arrow key navigation
    • Add, remove, filter & unfilter slides
    • Autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, etc…

    Sticker.js : Javascript library to Create a Sticker Effect

    Sticker.js : Javascript library to Create a Sticker Effect

    A Javascript library that allows you to create a Sticker Effect.It creates the necessary HTML elements in the target and add the sticker effect using CSS3.

    jQuery WebRating Plugin

    jQuery WebRating Plugin

    jQuery webrating plugin.


    • Easy to configure
    • Precision upto 0.01
    • Use stars, hearts, smiles or your logo
    • Integrate with your own database
    • CSS based coloring
    • Customized toop-tip option
    • Callback functions on click & hover
    • Limit number of clicks per page view
    • Use cookies to limit clicks per visitor

    Theme Slider : jQuery FullScreen Touch Slider Plugin

    Theme Slider : jQuery FullScreen Touch Slider Plugin

    Modern Touch-Enabled FullScreen Slider with Unlimited Layers and Animations.


    • Responsive, Mobile-Friendly with Touch/Swipe Support
    • 91 Predefined Layer Positions, 650+ Font Styles (Google Fonts), 360+ Icons (Font Awesome Icons)
    • Unlimited Layers, Sublayers, Text Layers, Transitions, All of Them should be Animated
    • Compatible with All Major Browsers
    • Custom YouTube Player with Additional Options (Autoplay, Resize to Fit to the Screen, Loop, Hide Control Bar)
    • Customizable Animation Time, Delay for Each Main Slide, Sublayer, Text Layer, Custom Options for Text Animations
    • 80+ Animation Types, combined with Easing Effects you can create more than 300 Unique Animations
    • 10+ Main Slider Animations with Hardware Accelerated CSS3 Technology
    • 30+ Text Animations
    • 10+ Sublayer Animations with in and out animations including random type
    • 30+ Easing Effects
    • AutoPlay, Control Options (color, position for global or each slides)
    • Integrated Preloader with 5 custom animations

    Line.js : jQuery Plugin for Line based CSS effects

    Line.js : jQuery Plugin for Line based CSS effects

    A JQuery based plugin in its baby steps for easy to implement, line based, CSS effects.

    Attempts to make this type of effect easier to implement by reducing the amount of HTML required as code required for this effect is appended to the DOM on load.

    Puerto – CSS3 Responsive Mega Menu

    Puerto - CSS3 Responsive Mega Menu

    Puerto – Responsive Mega menu: is pure HTML5/CSS3 menu. Menu has HTML5 structure and works on all major browsers. Menu is easy to edit and integrate into any website. CSS is separate from HTML and is well commented. Menu has two similar layout and eight colors, each theme can be used separately without any connection with the others. Menu is responsible and adapts to the screen of the device(computer monitor, tablet, mobile phone…). Menu also has five different animation.