Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Fancy Textbox Animations using jQuery

    Fancy Textbox Animations using jQuery

    Today’s freebie is a combination of jQuery and CSS3 animations we call it FancyText. FancyText is a text box plugin that automatically converts standard HTML input element to an animation composite control, with lots of transitions too choose from.

    Create a Tiled Background Slideshow with CSS3

    Create a Tiled Background Slideshow with CSS3

    A tutorial that shows how to recreate the four tiles slideshow effect seen on the website of Serge Thoroval. Using 3D transforms, transitions and animations, the aim is to implement a smooth effect and add some variations.

    Create a Masked Background Effect With CSS

    Create a Masked Background Effect With CSS

    Today we’re going to be stepping through a really cool technique you can use to create an effect that’s a little bit like parallax scrolling, yet doesn’t need any JavaScript; it can be achieved very simply through pure CSS.

    This technique could be used to create great product description pages, or even something akin to a Powerpoint/Keynote presentation, and would be a great potential fit for online story illustration.

    Cube.js : Fancy Rotating CSS3 Cube script

    cube.js : Fancy Rotating CSS3 Cube script

    cube.js is a light script which allows you to add a fancy rotating CSS3 cube to your page!

    Inspiration for Inline Anchor Styles with CSS3 & SVG

    Inspiration for Inline Anchor Styles with CSS3 & SVG

    Some inspiration for creative and modern inline anchor styles and hover effects using different techniques like pseudo-element transitions and SVGs.

    Toolkit : Front-End UI toolkit built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

    Toolkit : Front-End UI toolkit built with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery

    Titon Toolkit is a collection of very powerful user interface components and utility classes for the responsive, mobile, and modern web. Each component represents encapsulated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality for role specific page elements.

    Toolkit makes use of the latest and greatest technology. This includes HTML5 for semantics, CSS3 for animations and styles, Sass for CSS pre-processing, Grunt for task and package management, and powerful new browser APIs for the JavaScript layer.

    Fast Gallery – jQuery WordPress Plugin

    Fast Gallery - jQuery Wordpress Plugin

    Welcome to Fast Gallery. With this awesome plugin you can build your gallery in 1 minute. You have available 3 types of gallery (Prettyphoto, Photobox, Magnificer Popup) using masonry, grid with responsive or fluid layout and more features.


    • 3 Type Gallery (Prettyphoto, Photobox, Magnificer Popup)
    • 10 Differents Style
    • Custom color for each gallery (Main color with opacity and Secondary color)
    • Masonry / Grid
    • Responsive / Fluid
    • Widget Support
    • Translation Ready (include .po/.mo files)
    • 1 Column, 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, 5 Columns, 6 Columns, 7 Columns, 8 Columns, 9 Columns
    • Video Tutorial
    • Revers Order
    • Extend media gallery wordpress
    • Dummy Data Included

    flipgrid.js : jQuery Content-focused Photo Gallery

    flipgrid.js : jQuery Content-focused Photo Gallery

    flipgrid.js is a simple, content-focused photo gallery inspired by Microsoft’s Metro interface and CSS 3D transitions.

    Arrow Navigation Styles with CSS & SVG

    Arrow Navigation Styles with CSS & SVG

    Some inspiration for arrow navigation styles and hover effects using SVG icons for the arrows, and CSS transitions and animations for the effects.

    Taby : CSS3 Nested Tabs Plugin

    Taby : CSS3 Nested Tabs Plugin

    Free CSS3 Tab(nested able) Menu Plugins.

    • no dependencies required, but if you want support <= IE8, make sure you have to load jQuery before Taby.
    • you can conntect a “tab” with its “content” easly. Tab e.g. “#sub-tab-4″ is related to data-tab-content=”sub-tab-4”.
    • amd/commonjs (requirejs/node) ready