Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Product Preview Slider with CSS3 & jQuery

    Product Preview Slider with CSS3 & jQuery

    An easy way to show more product images and variations right in the product gallery.  A simple slider to check product variations before jumping into the product page.

    CSS3 Hover Link Effects

    CSS3 Hover Link Effects

    One of the essential parts of a website is a text link. By clicking an anchor tag you can go anywhere from the site as it points to a specific page.

    Today, We are going to show you how to create awesome links using new features of CSS3: transition and transform. At the end of this tutorial you’ll have cool link hover effect that will surely rock your navigation.

    Animated Menu to Cross Icon with CSS3 & jQuery

    Animated Menu to Cross Icon with CSS3 & jQuery

    The project Menu-to-cross-icon is a project made to show people different ways to create a “Menu icon” that switch into a “cross icon”.Some technics use vanilla javascript, some uses jQuery and some are powerd by CSS only!

    SkyBlue CSS Framework

    SkyBlue CSS Framework

    This is not Bootstrap killer, I just think Bootstrap is way too bloated. SkyBlue is a minimal framework that is meant to be starting point for my projects.

    Nice Looking Contact Form with CSS & jQuery

    Nice Looking Contact Form with CSS & jQuery

    A simple and easy to customize contact form. A minimal and customizable snippet to throw a semantic form into your web projects on the fly.

    CSS effects for Notifications using Animate.css

    CSS effects for Notifications using Animate.css

    This tutorial is aimed to show you some very common CSS transitions used in development. I chose to illustrate this on notifications because i can use the both hidden and visible states of elements to display a broad range of animations.

    jQuery Smooth Parallax Scroll

    jQuery Smooth Parallax Scroll

    Smooth parallax animations on vertical page scrolling using requestAnimationFrame and CSS3 3D transitions.

    Playful Trampoline Effect with CSS3 & SVG

    Playful Trampoline Effect with CSS3 & SVG

    Today we want to share a fun little effect with you. The idea is to simulate the bounciness of a trampoline when navigating the image stack. For the draggable image stack we are using the Elastic Stack. The SVG animations are done with the help of Snap.svg. We will also use CSS Transitions for all the effects.

    Animatrix Images with jQuery & CSS3

    Animatrix Images with jQuery & CSS3

    Animatrix Images allows you to easily enhance and animate your images with dots and lines. Animated images with a responsive layout and an easy WYSIWYG admin area editor of dots and lines are just a few of the capabilities of this plugin. You can create all types of animations, shapes, logos, or just progress bars and web elements. You can add dot titles, descriptions, links and even images and icons for each dot. Sizes of dots and animations of the pulse are also changeable in the admin area.

    GGtooltip.js : A jQuery Tooltip plugin

    GGtooltip.js : A jQuery Tooltip plugin

    It’s a simple jQuery tooltip plugin extended from Twitter Bootstrap’s tooltip plugin that supports 4 positions, background color, font color and border color without using images.


    • 4 Positions: top, right, bottom and left.
    • Unlimited background colors.
    • Unlimited font colors.
    • Different border color combinations based on background colors.
    • Supports different types of tooltip triggers such as click, hover, focus and manual.
    • Powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.