Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Responsive Sidebar Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    Responsive Sidebar Navigation with CSS & jQuery

    If you’re working on an admin panel, chances are you’ll need to design and develop a vertical menu, with plenty of sub-categories. That’s why we decided to share today’s snippet! Our Sidebar navigation can make your life easier by providing a starting, simple template for your next project.

    An easy-to-integrate side, vertical navigation, ideal for dashboards and admin areas.

    Elastic Progress with SVG & CSS

    Elastic Progress with SVG & CSS

    An elastic SVG progress loader based on the Dribbble shot “Download” by xjw and implemented with SVG and TweenMax.

    SVG Modal Window with CSS3

    SVG Modal Window with CSS3

    A simple modal window with an SVG background animated using Snap.svg.

    Hover Effects Builder – WordPress Plugin

    Hover Effects Builder - WordPress Plugin
    • Apply CSS3 hover effects to the images on your website without any CSS coding knowledge.
    • Assign any of predefined effects to featured images for standard and custom post formats.
    • Create your own hover effects with unlimited variations of styles and colors in our Editor.
    • Combine different effects to create unique animation hover effects.
    • Apply fully customizable shortcode to any image in WordPress Post/Page Editor.

    Html5tooltips.js : Tooltips with smooth 3D animation

    Html5tooltips.js : Tooltips with smooth 3D animation

    Tooltips  written in pure JavaScript, with smooth 3D animation implemented in CSS. No framework dependencies.

    Web Slide : Responsive Mega Menu for Bootstrap 3+

    Web Slide : Responsive Mega Menu for Bootstrap 3+

    Create Beautiful MegaMenu navbar for your site. Using CSS3 Animation & Small Java Script It provides a modern app style navigation look in your website.

    • Powerfull Feature: One Code for all devices
    • Mobile friendly website menu
    • Modern app style navigation
    • Bootstrap Navbar
    • Bootstrap 3 Slide in menu navbar on mobile

    Yamm : jQuery MegaMenu for Bootstrap 3

    Yamm : jQuery MegaMenu for Bootstrap 3

    This isYet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 from Twitter. Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements.

    CSS3 Toggle Radio & Checkbox

    CSS3 Toggle Radio & Checkbox

    A custom checkbox and radio buttons made with CSS3 that doesn’t require js. It is also compatible with FontAwesome.

    IsoBlocks : Eye-candy Isometric Texts with jQuery & CSS3

    IsoBlocks : Eye-candy Isometric Texts with jQuery & CSS3

    IsoBlocks is an experimental library to create eye-candy isometric texts. It is written in coffeescript, uses CSS3 transforms for creating the cubes and CSS3 transitions for the animation.

    Hint.css : A tooltip library in CSS

    Hint.css : A tooltip library in CSS

    Hint.css is written as a pure CSS resource using which you can create cool tooltips for your web app. It does not rely on JavaScript and rather uses data-* attribute, pseudo elements, content property and CSS3 transitions to create the tooltips.