Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Multi-Layout Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    Multi-Layout Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS

    A simple decorative slideshow component with individual slide layouts and effects. Powered by anime.js.

    Today we’d like to share a simple decorative slideshow component with you. The idea behind this slideshow is to have an individual layout for each slide, accompanied by a distinct effect. The images of each slide is meant to have a decorative purpose which could be suitable for an article header; or, for example, an ornamental quotes slideshow within an article.

    Customizable Responsive Menu

    Customizable Responsive Menu

    Here is a tool where user can select a different web & mobile menu and generate a responsive menu.All you have to do is select the navigation type and generate the HTML code to be downloaded in simple easy steps. This does not stop here; this website also allows you to choose different menu styles for desktop and mobile devices to generate the HTML code for responsive menu.

    Lightgallery.js : JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

    Lightgallery.js : JavaScript Lightbox Gallery

    Lightgallery.js is a full featured JavaScript lightbox gallery. No dependencies.

    • Fully responsive.
    • Modular architecture with built in plugins.
    • Touch support for mobile devices.
    • Mouse drag supports for desktops.
    • Double-click/Double-tap to see actual size of the image.
    • Animated thumbnails.
    • Social media sharing.
    • YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, VK and HTML5 video support.
    • 20+ Hardware-Accelerated CSS3 transitions.
    • Full screen support.
    • Supports zoom.

    Above & Beneath: Featured Content Layout Effect with CSS

    Above & Beneath: Featured Content Layout Effect with CSS

    Today we’d like to share a little aquatic landing page template with some special effects with you. The idea is to show a big headline in the initial view and when a grid/menu icon is clicked, the view slides down (below the water) and some featured content or menu items get shown. The transitions are accompanied by some fitting background sounds.

    Multiple.js : Sharing background across Multiple Elements

    Multiple.js : Sharing background across Multiple Elements

    An experiment in sharing background across multiple elements using CSS without any coordinates processing by JavaScript.

    Jets.js : Native CSS Search Engine

    Jets.js : Native CSS Search Engine

    Imagine a situation – your HTML markup renders at backend side, it contains some list of data. At one point you need to implement search by this list. It can be easily achieved by using Jets.js with a browser’s native search speed.

    ZoomTimeline : CSS Timeline Pack

    ZoomTimeline : CSS Timeline Pack

    Looking for a company timeline ? A shipping log ? Shipping history ? Personal History ? A cool timeline slider ? This plugin has it all. No matter the needs for a timeline, the six modes included cover all the timeline needs.Awesome for – company timeline, time line, history, company history, shipping history, parcel track display, timeline slider.

    • HTML5 technology – zoomtimeline uses the latest html5 tehniques ( like Histroy API ) to deliver a never seen before experience to your clients
    • fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
    • five modes – full skins to fit every brand
    • CSS3 technology – this player uses cutting-edge css3
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • Retina-ready – graphics have double resolution for smooth retina viewing
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices

    Colorpanel : jQuery CSS File Switcher

    Colorpanel : jQuery CSS File Switcher

    Simple jQuery plugin to switch css stylesheet skin theme on your template demo.

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    A floating cart that slides in when the user decides to buy an item.

    We’re used to different patterns when it comes to the “add to cart” process. The basic idea behind this pattern is to notify the user that an item has been added to the cart, and provide her/him with a link to proceed to the checkout.

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    Prelodr : Preloader inspired in Google Inbox

    A simple Material preloader with javascript inspired in Google Inbox.