Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    How to Mimic the iGoogle Interface with jQuery

    How to Mimic the iGoogle Interface with jQuery

    In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a customizable interface with widgets. The finished product will be a sleek and unobtrusively coded iGoogle-like interface, which has plenty of potential applications!

    First, let’s list exactly what we’ll be creating here and what features it’ll have:

    • This interface will contain several widgets.
    • Each widget can be collapsed, removed and edited.
    • The widgets can be sorted into the three seperate columns by the user (using a drag and drop technique).
    • The user will be able to edit the color and title of each widget.
    • Each widget can contain any amount of regular HTML content, text, images, flash etc.

    jQuery Fullscreen Gallery with Thumbnail Flip

    Fullscreen Gallery with Thumbnail Flip

    In this tutorial we will create a fullscreen gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when navigating through the images. The big image will slide up or down depending where we are navigating to. We will add navigation controls for the mousewheel and for keys. The thumbnail will have a zoom and and a fullscreen option, making the image in the background appear in fullscreen mode or as a complete image, resized to fit in the page.

    Compact News Previewer with jQuery

    Compact News Previewer with jQuery

    We will create a news previewer that let’s you show your latest articles or news in a compact way. The news previewer will show some list of articles on the left side and the preview of the article with a longer description on the right. Once a news on the left is clicked, the preview will slide in.

    Vertical Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial

    Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial

    Just last week, I came accross to this website Narrow Design. His scroll menu caught a lot of my attentions, I played with it for a while. Yes, unfortunately, it’s built in flash. And, Yes, we are going to implement it with jquery – javascript based scroll menu that will do the same thing. Of course, it will not be 100% the same, because some of the fancy features just not that practical to implement with javascript.

    How to Make Auto-Advancing Slideshows with jQuery & HTML5

    How to Make Auto-Advancing Slideshows

    One of the most requested improvements over the tutorials presented on this site, when it comes to slideshows, is the ability to have the slides advance automatically. It is actually not that difficult to achieve this effect, and to demonstrate it, in this short tutorial we are going to make our HTML5 Slideshow auto advance with a few lines of jQuery.

    Digg Like URL Submitter Using jQuery and PHP with Demo

    Digg Like URL Submitter Using JQuery and PHP

    I want to create something that fetching the submitted url data, some kind that many social bookmarking have, beside facebook, the other famous one is digg, this image left is something that I share in this post.

    How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery

    How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery

    In this tutorial we’ll be building a cool navigation list complete with a sliding hover effect. Learn how to build the concept in Photoshop, lay out the basic HTML elements, style everything up in CSS then tie it all together with a few lines of jQuery to create a semantic, accessible and degradable menu design.

    jQuery Expand Stacked Images Using Slider with Demo

    JQuery Expand Stacked Images Using Slider

    This time the post will show how to expand the stacked images with jquery, for the illustration, there is a stack of images that have very small margin between each image, and the slider have a function to make the margin larger, really easy to imagine right? Now to make it look stacked I’m using jquery plugin, the rotate3Di and of course the jQuery UI slider.

    Facebook Style Loading Bar Using CSS and jQuery

    Facebook Style Loading Bar Using CSS and JQuery

    Have you even paying attention on facebook ajax loading bar, think it’s simple but really cool, if you using high speed internet connection sure this image won’t show, but I always see it when I share a link on my personal facebook status. If you want to get the the image you can use this ajaxload image generator server, pick the facebook style on the combo box.

    Simple jQuery Flickr Style Tooltip Menu with Demo

    Simple JQuery Flickr Style Tooltip Menu

    In today post I try to create the flickr style tooltip drop down menu, I mean the drop down menu when you see in the detail image page, the challenge creating this feature is the CSS, that contains gradient and manipulating box so that can look like a triangle in the tooltip menu after the main menu clicked.