Here is the complete animated shopping cart with php , Ajax and jQuery.
Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
Feature Table Design with jQuery
“I ran into the feature table design and I was inspired to try and replicate it. First in Photoshop, then in HTML/CSS. Recreating cool stuff you find on the web is definitely an excise I recommend (a few days after, I read this – couldn’t agree more). As these exercises typically do, it lead me down some interesting paths.”
Create a Yoyo with jQuery and CSS3
Here you can learn how to create your own yoyo with the help of CSS3 and jQuery.A beautiful, animated, spinning yoyo that slides down like a real yoyo would? I know I have never even thought of it and I probably would never have the need for it either, however it is very useful to learn (If you don’t already know) how one would go about creating a yoyo so you could use the techniques for other things. View the demo in Safari/Chrome and take full advantage of the CSS3.