Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Live Design Changing with Jquery

    jQuery Live Design Changing

    In this post I want to explain how to change design colors like Twitter UI setting. I had posted the same long days back, but now added user control system to manage own template design. It’s useful feature for your web projects to providing option to the end-user can customize his page template. This script divided into four parts Javascript, PHP, CSS and HTML+PHP

    How to Make a Graphical News Slider in jQuery

    jQuery News Slider

    The graphical news slider: something used so often in so many places for so many different purposes. I had made one ages ago as one of my first jQuery projects. I figured I could write a tutorial to share that code with WebDesignFan’s readers, but was taken aback when I reviewed the code I had made so long ago. It was not bad formatting or compatibility or any such thing, as I would never allow such problems to be a part of my programs. However, it wasn’t very extensible as I feel all public code should be. It was merely designed to support the features I needed at the time. Having spent the last few days revising the code, namely to allow custom image dimensions, I am happy to share with you the revised code.

    Creating an Attractive Photo Gallery using SmartGallery (jQuery)

    jQuery Attractive Photo Gallery using SmartGallery

    Today we will continue overviews of available photo galleries. Next gallery will SmartGallery. This light-weight gallery will allow us to have thumbnail navigation, auto image scaling, 12 transition effects (to current moment). All this is done with the options of this gallery.

    Tooltipsy – jQuery Tooltips For Control Freaks

    jQuery Tooltip plugin

    Tooltipsy is a jQuery plugin that provides a flexible base for creating tooltips.

    Compared to other plugins, it comes with minimum default styles or animations but gives you the complete control over them.

    jQuery Common Accordion – Horizontal & Vertical

    jQuery Common Accordion - Horizontal & Vertical

    Works as vertical accordion and horizontal accordion. It can be auto slide. You can set a default panel.

    jQuery Accordion Features
    • Works as vertical accordion and horizontal accordion.
    • it can be auto slide.
    • You can set a default panel.
    • You can set your own mouse events.
    • It can be nested.
    • Its just 4kb without any compression.
    • Its free! 🙂

    How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery

    jQuery Animated Header

    Why not give a little flair to your header.  This tutorial will show you how to animate your header’s background image using jQuery to give your website that little extra something.We are going to build a header that animates it’s background. We will also encase the header in shadow for the little extra dramatic effect.

    Nice jQuery Menu Animation

    Nice jQuery Menu Animation

    Recently I have work on one project with interesting menu. In first look I thought it is ordinary menu but actually this menu was not so simple. When I finish it the result was nice looking menu so I decided to show all of you how I made it. Maybe from this you can get some ideas for your one project.

    Trigger CSS3 Animations with jQuery

    Trigger CSS3 Animations with jQuery

    Good animation in jQuery with the help of CSS3 properties like scale and translate

    Sliding Letters with jQuery

    Sliding Letters with jQuery

    Today we have a neat little effect for you. We want to bring some life to the standard hover effect by playing around with the letters in an anchor word. The aim is to slide in letter by letter when hovering over a link element. We can either have the same word or a different one and we can slide in the new letters all the same time or one after the other.

    Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery

    Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery

    In this in-depth web development tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a usable and web accessible slideshow widget for your site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery). In the process, you’ll see the concept of Progressive Enhancement in action.