Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that easily converts unordered lists & other nested HTML structures into entertaining, interactive, turntable-like areas.

    It’s ready-to-go straight out of the box, but if you want to get crazy, Roundabout is highly-customizable with an extensive API that allows for some pretty amazing results.

    Path App Fly-out Menu using CSS3 & jQuery

    jquery css3 fly-out menu

    I am a huge sucker for great ui design so I fell in love. The thing that really stole my focus was the awesome fly-out menu that is in the bottom left corner. This button is the main means of navigation in this app. It had not only some good features but also had smooth animations as well. Me being a noob to application development, googled if it was made in phone gap due to it heavy customization and no it wasn’t. It ‘apparenly’ has too advanced animations.

    Experimental CSS3 jQuery Animations for Image Transitions

    Experimental CSS3 jQuery Animations for Image Transitions

    Today we want to share some experimental 3D image transitions with you that use CSS3 animations and jQuery. We’ll be using CSS3 3D Transforms for Webkit only. Check out the Photo Transitions at the Safari Technology Demos site, some of which we got inspired by.

    Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery

    jQuery css3 Blur Effect

    Today we want to show you how to create a simple blur effect for text-based items. The idea is to have a set of text boxes that will get blurred and scaled down once we hover over them. The item in focus will scale up. This will create some kind of “focus” effect that drwas the attention to the currently hovered item.

    We’ll be using CSS3 transitions and some jQuery to apply the respective classes. Since CSS3 transitions are not supported in order browsers, the demo should be best viewed in Safari or Chrome (here we got the smoothest transitions).

    spin.js – animted jQuery CSS3 loading spinner

    spin.js - animted jQuery CSS3 loading spinner

    spin.js is an animated CSS3 loading spinner. You can adjust every single parameter: number of lines, length and width of lines, radius, trail, speed of spinning, and whether there’s a shadow or not.

    jQuery CSS Animation and Rotate

    jQuery CSS Animation and Rotate

    In today post I try to do a little experiment with css animation, with jquery to generating css value on the fly. When this post created the this animation examples only works on firefox and chrome browser.In this tutorial I try to create a stack of images, on the default position each of images have a different angle, and rotating to the same angle in the same duration of time.

    jQuery Plugin For Rotating Image

    jQuery Plugin For Rotating Image

    Creating a jquery plugin is easier than it sound, first time I heard about creating 3rd party plugin sounds scary, maybe need more deeper understanding about the platform, but not in jquery. Well I just feel something missing if I have been using jquery for a while not to creating a plugin.Few month ago I have created a simple tutorial to rotating image using jquery, now it would be nice if  I can used as a plugin, and now it a chance to learning simple jquery plugin.

    Facebook-like Friends Selector jQuery Plugin

    Facebook-like Friends Selector jQuery Plugin

    fcbkListSelection is a fancy item selector, just like the friends selector you can see on Facebook. It is built with jQuery javascript framework, with wide range of options.

    jQuery OrgChart – a plugin for visualising data in a tree-like structure

    jQuery OrgChar tree structure

    jQuery OrgChart is a jQuery plugin that allows you to render structures with nested elements in a easy-to-read tree structure. To build the tree all you need is to make a single line call to the plugin and supply the HTML element Id for a nested unordered list element that is representative of the data you’d like to display.Showing/hiding a particular branch of the tree by clicking on the respective node.Drag-and-drop reorganisation of elements.Nodes can contain any amount of HTML except <li> and <ul>.Very easy to use given a nested unordered list element.

    jQuery Widgets unique library for jQuery UI Development

    jQuery Widgets unique library for jQuery UI Development

    jQWidgets gives us something new and special. It’s a new and unique library for jQuery UI development and unlike others it makes our Apps and Websites look beautiful on desktops, touch devices and mobile phones. jQWidgets is the ultimate UI toolkit for the next generation of cloud apps development and it is built entirely on open standards and technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.