Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    jQuery Transit : CSS3 animations for jQuery with Demo

    jQuery Transit : CSS3 animations for jQuery with Demo

    Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery.

    Pep.jQuery.js : jQuery kinetic-drag on mobile/desktop plugin with Demo

    Pep.jQuery.js : jQuery kinetic-drag on mobile/desktop plugin with Demo

    Pep was built out of a need for kinetic drag support for both mobile and desktop devices (click & drag). It uses the best of jQuery’s animate functions along with CSS3 animations to bring full-blown kinetic drag that works on all HTML5-ready devices.

    Pep has built-in support for custom start, stop, rest (called when easing completes), and drag events, constraining objects to either their parent or the window, a debugger, and the ability to customize your own kinetic easing functions.

    Direction-Aware Hover Effect with CSS3 and jQuery with Demo

    Direction-Aware Hover Effect with CSS3 and jQuery with Demo

    In today’s tip we’ll show you how to create a direction-aware hover effect using some CSS3 goodness and jQuery. The idea is to have a little overlay slide in on top of some thumbnails from the direction that we are coming from with the mouse. When we “leave” the element, the overlay will slide out to that direction, following our mouse. This will create an interesting-looking effect.

    pow.js : Algorithmic sunburst generator via CSS, canvas and jQuery

    pow.js : Algorithmic sunburst generator via CSS, canvas and jQuery with Demo

    This jQuery plugin paints a burst pattern onto your element of choice, and is freely available under the MIT license. Pow.js generates the pattern in canvas, and simply layers in the resulting image data as a CSS background. It’s kinda actually not that complicated.

    Making a jQuery Page Flip Magazine with turn.js

    Making a jQuery Page Flip Magazine with turn.js

    In this tutorial we are going to use PHP and the turn.js plugin, an implementation of the page flip effect with pure CSS3 and jQuery, to build a pretty magazine. We will fetch the most popular images from Instagram every hour, and use them as pages.

    Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery

    Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery with Demo

    Today we want to share a simple jQuery parallax content slider with you. Using CSS animations, we’ll control the animation of each single element in the slider and create a parallax effect by animating the background of the slider itself.

    The idea for this comes from the slider of the Kendo UI homepage, a framework for modern HTML UI. After we got some requests and questions about how to do something like that, we decided to recreate the effect.

    Styling Buttons and Toolbars with the jQuery UI CSS Framework

    Styling Buttons and Toolbars with the jQuery UI CSS Framework

    By popular demand: coded real-world examples of themeable buttons and toolbars using the jQuery UI CSS framework, a system of classes developed for jQuery UI widgets that can easily be applied to any plugin, and even static content.

    jQuery UI CSS framework which provides a set of semantic classes that can be applied across a wide range of UI widgets. The framework works by stacking multiple classes on an element, some generic to the framework and others that are custom to each widget.

    Chico UI – jQuery User Interface Components

    Chico UI – jQuery User Interface Components

    Chico UI is an open source and free set of user interface components to ease developing with jQuery.

    The components include auto-complete, blink, calendar, carousel, countdown, date-picker, dropdown, expando, form and more.

    There is a CSS layout framework named Chico Mesh for accomplishing any type of web layouts and grids.

    jQuery Animated Filter gallery : Filters

    jQuery Animated Filter gallery : Filters

    Filters is a jQuery plugin that allows to filter items using custom animation. You can use CSS3 transitions or just fadeIn/Out effect. Go to the demos and see how simple is that.

    Bubble Point Tooltips with CSS3 & jQuery

    Bubble Point Tooltips with CSS3 & jQuery

    A cool bubble point tooltips with CSS3 & jQuery.