Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Growing Thumbnails Portfolio with jQuery & CSS3

    Growing Thumbnails Portfolio with jQuery & CSS3

    In this tutorial we will be making a portfolio with HTML5, jQuery and CSS3 that features an interesting growing effect.The important bit to note here is the #carousel unordered list. This element holds a collection of li items that represent your recent works.  The visible class is only added if the thumbnail is to be shown. Only three thumbnails will be visible at a time. The href attribute of the hyperlink can point to the website in question, or a larger version of the image if you plan to use a lightbox together with this example.

    Animate.css – a bunch of plug-and-play CSS animations with jQuery

    Animate.css - a bunch of plug-and-play CSS animations with jQuery

    animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.A big ol’ goody bag filled with CSS animations for WebKit, Firefox and beyond.

    To use animate.css in your website, simply drop the stylesheet into your document’s <head>, and add the class animated to an element, along with any of the animation names. That’s it! You’ve got a CSS animated element. Super!

    You can do a whole bunch of other stuff with animate.css when you combine it with jQuery or add your own CSS rules.

    Creating Android Dock Using jQuery & CSS3

    Creating Android Dock Using jQuery & CSS3

    When playing the Galaxy Tab I love the fanciness of its Android’s dock. The application icon will pop out consecutively when arrow image on the dock clicked and not just the icon beautifully animated the dock itself also rotating vertically with 3D style. In this tutorial we’re going to create them using jQuery and CSS3.

    Respond.js : Fast CSS3 Media Queries for Internet Explorer 6-8

    Respond.js : Fast CSS3 Media Queries for Internet Explorer 6-8

    A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more).The goal of this script is to provide a fast and lightweight (3kb minified / 1kb gzipped) script to enable responsive web designs in browsers that don’t support CSS3 Media Queries – in particular, Internet Explorer 8 and under. It’s written in such a way that it will probably patch support for other non-supporting browsers as well (more information on that soon).

    Stream Radio Script with jQuery ,CSS3 and PHP

    Stream Radio Script with jQuery ,CSS3 and PHP

    Today I have prepared another really great tutorial for you. Recently I have started development of my own radio software (as module for Dolphin CMS) and got interesting results. So, I would like to share you with some results about it. It will be nice looking (CSS3) radio script. It consists from three main elements: header (with nice animated search bar and integrated radio player), left side (with list of categories and subcategories) and right side (which will contains list of recent/ or filtered stations).

    Guggenheim.js : jQuery Gallery plugin with flashy filtering and re-ordering

    Guggenheim.js : jQuery Gallery plugin with flashy filtering and re-ordering

    Guggenheim.js is a framework agnostic plugin for creating sexy interactive galleries. It uses CSS3 animation (with a fallback to Javascript) to create animated filtering, reordering and pagination of your gallery.

    Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP

    Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP

    In this tutorial we will code an Upload Form from Impressionist UI. We will code it using the Plupload API. Plupload allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads. This way we are able to create a very powerful upload form compatible with all browsers. So let’s get started

    Google Play’s minimal tabs with CSS3 & jQuery

    Google Play’s minimal tabs with CSS3 & jQuery

    The tab navigation is an element you often meet in your daily browsing. There are so many ways, so many styles, but the idea is the same: you click a tab and see its content without a page refresh.

    In this article you’ll learn how to build some new CSS3 & jQuery tabs inspired by Google Play‘s design.

    My Thumbnail : jQuery plugin creates image thumbnails

    My Thumbnail : jQuery plugin creates image thumbnails

    This jquery plugin creates image thumbnails on client side for multiple images in a page. Sometimes you have different images with different orientation and size, which make your page a bit difficult to read. MyThumbnail help you to generate uniform size images. Of course, the original aspect ratio of the picture is maintained. If your browser support css3, you can get a best (inner) fit image for your specified thumbnail size. Also, round corner is supported for css3 capable browser.

    • Automatic generation of thumbnails with uniform size and orientation
    • Maintain aspect ratio of original pictures
    • Image is centered
    • Rounded corners (CSS3 capable browser)
    • Best inner fit image (CSS3 capable browser)
    • Cross sever (work for external image in other server)
    • Cross browser (work in IE / FF / chrome / Safari / opera)