Best jQuery CSS2 / CSS3.0 Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Ember Burger Menu : Off-canvas Sidebar

    Ember Burger Menu : Off-canvas Sidebar

    An off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of animations and styles using CSS transitions.


    • Easy to use & setup off-canvas menu
    • Mix and match from many menu & menu item animations
    • Control your menu from anywhere in your app
    • Swipe gesture support with changeable thresholds
    • Easily create your own animations

    SmartMenu : Responsive jQuery Mega Menu

    SmartMenu : Responsive jQuery Mega Menu

    SmartMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable and responsive jQuery mega menu plugin. It allows you to use multiple menus with different submenus.


    • Responsive design
    • Supports multiple instances
    • Horizontal (top, bottom) or Vertical (left, right) menu layouts
    • Mega / Flyout submenus
    • Pure CSS3 animations (fade, slide)
    • 3 ways of dropdown (hover, click, toggle)
    • 7 color skins which can be changed easily
    • Custom mega dropdowns, forms, search bar, social icons or HTML
    • 12 columns fluid grid
    • You can add images, maps or videos

    Experimental 3D Room Exhibition Layout with CSS3

    Experimental 3D Room Exhibition Layout with CSS3

    Today we’d like to share an experimental 3D layout with you. The idea is to show some information about a gallery’s exhibition in an interesting way. Each artist has a “room” in the gallery which shows the schedule for the exhibition. When clicking on one of the navigation buttons, we move away from the current room and proceed to the next (or previous) one with an animation.For this experiment we are using the animation library anime.js

    Dropdown Sidebar Menu Responsive Bootstrap Navigation

    Dropdown Sidebar Menu Responsive Bootstrap Navigation

    Scoop Navigation Menu Consist of both Horizontal and Vertical navigation with customize options and themes. Its lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and devices. this plugin make more then 50 plus navigation view. It supports four levels sub menu with shrink, Overlay and push effect.

    Multi purpose Responsive Scoop Navigation supports multi navigation style like: Expanded, Compact, Collapsed, offcanvas, fullPage Menu , Full MegaMenu, Half MegaMenu and Search bar on navigation. Three new navigation style introduce in this plugin like ex-popover, Sub-Expanded and fulldrop Menu

    Expanding Bar Navigation Concept with CSS & JavaScript

    Expanding Bar Navigation Concept with CSS & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share an experimental tab-like navigation with you. The main idea is to animate the bars of the navigation in a way that they expand to reveal some further content. The navigation is either shown in a vertical or horizontal orientation. For this experiment we are using anime.js.

    Stack Motion Hover Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Stack Motion Hover Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share some tiny hover effect ideas with you. The concept stems from the hover effect seen on Merci-Michel which has a really nice feel to it because of its fluidity. The idea is to show a stack behind the hovered thumbnail that has the same main color as the image and then animate the elements in a swift motion. We are using the JavaScript library anime.js for the animations.

    Form Wizard : jQuery Multi Step Form Validation

    Form Wizard : jQuery Multi Step Form Validation

    Single page 3/4/5 step form with every step script field validation. Multi format and style 144 item Sign up form, Include image uploader system. Using bootStrap responsive and it’s easy to customize for you.

    Blurify : JavaScript library to blurred Images

    Blurify : JavaScript library to blurred Images

    Blurify.js is a tiny(~2kb) library to blurred pictures, support graceful downgrade from `css` mode to `canvas` mode.

    AniCollection : Collection of CSS Animations

    AniCollection : Collection of CSS Animations

    AniCollection is a collection of awesome CSS3 animations from many libraries and many people. To give you an easy way to find, use and share it.

    First Person Sunglasses with CSS & JavaScript

    First Person Sunglasses with CSS & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share a fun little experiment with you: a geeky “try-on” sunglasses effect. It’s not a “try-on” in the classical sense for previewing how the sunglasses might look on a person, but instead how the view looks like when putting on some sunglasses and looking through them. For that we use a simple overlay effect and some animations to mimic the movement you do when you try on glasses from the first person perspective.