Best jQuery Ajax Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Blapy : jQuery Ajax Web Application Plugin

    Blapy : jQuery Ajax Web Application Plugin

    Blapy is a jQuery plugin that helps you to create and manage an ajax web application without coding any javascript to do it.

    The web application is built the usual way of generating web pages like with php or any standard CMS and Blapy will transform it into a dynamic web application with ajaxified contents and without coding any javascript.

    jQuery UI autocomplete in Bootstrap Modal Box Using PHP Ajax

    jQuery UI autocomplete in Bootstrap Modal Box Using PHP Ajax

    In this tutorial we are going to see how to implement jQuery UI autocomplete in Bootstrap Modal Popup Using PHP Ajax.

    jQuery-DataEntry : Forms Validation Plugin

    jQuery-DataEntry : Forms Validation Plugin

    Forms validation plugin that supports AJAX requests, automatic decoration of fields, localized error messages. Integrable with Angular, Backbone, Knockout.


    • Provides a way to implement form validation with little coding
    • Provides a structure to manage the client side validation at application level: keeping it consistent in every form
    • Provides a flexible way to define validation rules, also involving AJAX calls or other asynchronous operations
    • Automatic field decoration
    • Automatic formatting logic

    jqModal : jQuery Modal Window Plugin

    jqModal : jQuery Modal Window Plugin

    jqModal is a plugin for jQuery to help you display modals, popups, and notices. It is flexible and tiny, akin to a “Swiss Army Knife”, and provides a great base for your windowing needs.

    • Designer Frieldly – Use your HTML+CSS for Layout and Styling
    • Developer friendly – Extensible through callbacks to make anything possible (gallery slideshows, video-conferencing, &c)
    • Simple support for remotely loaded content (aka “ajax”)
    • Multiple Modals per page (including nested Modal-in-Modal)
    • Supported by all browsers capable of running jQuery 1.2.3+

    Allec AJAX Off-Screen Menu

    Allec AJAX Off-Screen Menu

    Allec Off-Screen Ajax Menu is a perfect solution for agency and portfolio websites to enhance modern design and futuristic feel because of palette grid and off-screen positioning.

    Fully ajax support maintains dynamic loading without a need to refresh the page. It is an extra advantage your users will highly appreciate as there won’t be waiting time anymore, only instant content appearance. Happy users equals successful business.

    • Pure JavaScript
    • Ajax Support
    • Palette Grid Modern Layout
    • Overlay Menu Effect
    • Mobile Optimized
    • Fast Performance
    • Light Weight Navigation
    • Custom Scrollbar
    • Smooth Animation
    • SVG Graphic
    • Retina Ready

    Tabluator : A powerful jQuery Table plugin

    Tabluator : A powerful jQuery Table plugin

    An easy to use table generation JQuery UI Plugin.Tabulator allows you to create a table with in seconds from any JSON formatted data.

    • JSON, array or AJAX data loading
    • Column sorting
    • Custom data formatting
    • Resizable columns
    • Auto scaling to fit data/element
    • Many theming options
    • Custom click and context Events
    • Callbacks at every stage of data processing and rendering

    Forms Plus: JS – Forms Framework

    Forms Plus: JS - Forms Framework

    With Forms Plus you will have power combo of 8 designs, a lot of color themes, multiple styles for each design, tabs, steps, ajax and validation in your form, titles and subtitles with multiple styles and positions. Forms Plus contains lots of form elements with different states (required, disabled, error) and animation effects, also Forms Plus has predefined set of form sizes from tiny to large. You can easily create and customize any form to fit your needs.

    chatSocketAchex : jQuery Chat Plugin

    chatSocketAchex : jQuery Chat Plugin

    chatSocketAchex is a jQuery chat plugin with 100% HTML5 – websocket ( realtime ).
    1)  Based multi-user chat client
    2)  Chatting Easy to configure
    3) Easy to run (only html)
    4) html5 – websocket

    deSVG : JS Library to Remove inline SVG bloat

    deSVG : JS Library to Remove inline SVG bloat

    deSVG is a js library to remove inline SVG bloat from your HTML document.
    deSVG takes the <img /> tags you supply. It then grabs, using AJAX, the raw SVG you’ve set in the src attribute and replaces that <img /> with the <svg /> it downloads.

    Ajax Navigation : jQuery Plugin

    Ajax Navigation : jQuery Plugin

    Ajax.Navigation allows you to enhance your website by loading and inserting new content into certain areas dynamically.