Best jQuery Ajax Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    JQuery Gantt Chart

    JQuery Gantt Chart

    jQuery Gantt Chart is a simple chart that implements gantt functionality as a jQuery component.

    It’s able to:

    • Read json data
    • Paging results
    • Display different colours for each task
    • Display short description as hints
    • Mark holidays

    JCRUD – Create, Read, Update and Delete Rows with jQuery

    jQuery JCRUD - Create, Read, Update and Delete Rows

    jCRUD is a lightweight jQuery plugin allows you to create, read, update, and delete content of HTML tables with ASP.NET server side code and AJAX.

    • Insert, update and delete rows in HTML table
    • ASP.NET server side + AJAX
    • Pagination
    • Sorting
    • Works in all major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6+)

    Create a shoutbox using PHP and AJAX (with jQuery)

    jquery shoutbox using PHP and AJAX

    Continuing with the tutorials about AJAX and jQuery we will create a stunning and dynamic shoutbox based in PHP and AJAX (using jQuery).

    We will learn how to create a dynamic ajax based shoutbox with jQuery from scratch. It will be very interesting to know how to use the ajax function of jQuery and how it can be used to insert and recoverdata from a MySQL database via PHP in a way asynchronous.

    Submit Form without Refreshing Page with Jquery and ajax

    Submit Form without Refreshing Page with Jquery and ajax

    This post helps you to submit your form without refreshing page. In this tutorial I will show you how simple it is to do using jQuery form plugin just five lines of JavaScript code, no need to post data string values via ajax. Explained collaboration with validate plugin for implementing form field validations.

    jQuery quickSearch

    jQuery ajax quickSearch

    Amazing fast jQuery search with Ajax and jSON

    jQuery File Tree

    jQuery File Tree

    jQuery File Tree is a configurable, AJAX file browser plugin for jQuery. You can create a customized, fully-interactive file tree with as little as one line of JavaScript code.There are lot of file tree plugins available in market but this plugin comes with scrips which PHP,ASP and JSP scripts which can read the directory structure on the server and create the file tree. The plugin is highly configurable.

    Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery

    Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery

    Are you looking for ajax file/image upload and preview without refreshing page using Jquery. I had implemented this ajax form submitting using jquery.form plugin and used  image cropping PHP code for uploading images. Just five lines of JavaScript code, Using this you can upload files, image and videos.

    FlexBox – jQuery Ajax based Textbox & Selectbox

    FlexBox - jQuery Ajax based Textbox & Selectbox

    FlexBox is a jQuery plugin that is intended to be a very flexible replacement for html textboxes and dropdowns, using ajax to retrieve and bind JSON data.

    SFBrowser File Manager With PHP & jQuery

    SFBrowser File Manager With PHP & jQuery

    SFBrowser is an open source application, built with PHP and jQuery, formanaging files online with an Ajaxed interface.

    Besides listing files and folders, it can upload, delete, rename and preview them. Uploading can be accomplished via an Ajaxed or Flash-based uploader (queued multiple uploads, progress bar, canceling, selection filtering, size filtering).

    The functionality can be extended with plugins. There are few ready-to-use ones like filetree and image-resize.

    Ajax Domain Checker Application with JQuery

    JQuery Ajax Domain Checker application

    I was searching about checking domain names availablity using Ajax and PHP. I found some solution and I thought to create a post on my blog so that any one can get this simple script easily. I used jQuery and CSS3 to put some attractive look in this. Share it if you like this tutorial.