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    Slideshow with Animated Circular Navigation

    Slideshow with Animated Circular Navigation

    A fullscreen, responsive slideshow with animated circular navigation. Depending on the thumbnail angle, circular navigation will rotate toward a certain direction.

    In this article, I will show you how to create a fullscreen, responsive slideshow with animated circular navigation as well as how to easily make letter animations with the help of CSS3, jQuery and GSAP’s TweenMax, TextPlugin and CSSPlugin.

    Super – Wizard Form Google Spreadsheets Based

    Super - Wizard Form Google Spreadsheets Based

    Super Wizard Form Pack is very useful for any campaign, event, registration, seminar any other function. you can easily integrate HTML form in your HTML template or landing page and when user fill form then you can get all user data check in Google Spreadsheet.


    • 100% Responsive Layout Design.
    • 20 Different professional form Design
    • Google Web Font ‘Roboto’ and ‘Oswald’
    • 12 Column Bootstrap Grid System
    • Google Spreadsheet Based
    • Wizard Form

    Horizontal Scrolling with Animated Images

    Horizontal Scrolling with Animated Images

    A horizontal scrolling experiment with animated images made with GSAP’s TimelineMax and ScrollMagic.

    Sticky Image Effect with Three.js

    Sticky Image Effect with Three.js

    A recreation of the sticky image effect seen on the websites of MakeReign and Ultranoir using three.js.

    Portfolio Website Concept with Advanced Circular Motion

    Portfolio Website Concept with Advanced Circular Motion

    An animated portfolio website concept with the circular motion made with CSS3, jQuery and GSAP’s TweenMax and CSSPlugin.

    Crossroads Slideshow with CSS & TweenMax

    Crossroads Slideshow with CSS & TweenMax

    Today we’d like to share an experimental slideshow with you. The main idea is to show three slides of a slideshow that is slightly rotated. The titles of each slide, which serve as a decorative element, overlay the images and are rotated in an opposing angle. This creates an interesting look, especially when animated. When clicking on one of the lateral slides, the whole thing moves, and when we click on the middle slide, we move everything up and reveal a content area.The animations are powered by TweenMax.

    Mosaic : JavaScript library for building User Interfaces

    Mosaic : JavaScript library for building User Interfaces

    Mosaic is a declarative, front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces in an efficient and easy to learn way. It is a component-based library, meaning that you can build applications by combining small, reusable components that come together to make an entire web app – just like how a mosaic is a work of art made up of small pieces of painted material.

    Exploding 3D Objects with Three.js

    Exploding 3D Objects with Three.js

    Today we’d like to share an exploding object experiment with you. A set of WebGL demos that show an exploding 3D object animation inspired by “Kubrick Life Website: 3D Motion”.

    Creative View Mode Switch Animation with CSS & jQuery

    Creative View Mode Switch Animation with CSS & jQuery

    A creative views switch animation with grid and list viewing modes made with CSS3, jQuery, Masonry and GSAP’s TweenMax.

    Create Smooth WebGL Transitions on Scroll using Phenomenon

    Create Smooth WebGL Transitions on Scroll using Phenomenon

    A tutorial on how to transition WebGL instances in a smooth way based on the scroll position using three.js and Phenomenon.