Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Notification Styles Inspiration with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Notification Styles Inspiration with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Some simple ideas and effects for unobtrusive website notifications. A little script is employed for showcasing some styles and CSS animations are used for the effects.Some of them are preceded by a dummy loading animation, which could be a nice idea for specific actions that require some time in a system (i.e. saving, sending a message, etc.).

    Graphene : Realtime Graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone

    Graphene : Realtime Graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone

    Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.

    Combining D3’s immense capabilities of managing live data, and Backbone’s ease of development, Graphene provides a solution capable of displaying thousands upon thousands of datapoints in your dashboard, as well as presenting a very hackable project to build on and customize.

    Fixed Auto-Hiding Nav Bar with JavaScript

    Fixed Auto-Hiding Nav Bar with JavaScript

    Top navigation bars have always been popular in web design. Since these elements contain such vital information some designers like to keep them fixed on-screen while scrolling down the page. But unfortunately this can get in the way of content if the bar is too large. A popular online blogging platform Medium created an interesting method of hiding the bar when scrolling down and re-showing it when scrolling back up.

    Chalkboard : Javascript Canvas of Chalkboard

    Chalkboard : Javascript Canvas of Chalkboard

    Fullscreen Javascript canvas implementation of a chalkboard with a realistic chalk effect with touch support.

    Slip.js : UI library for manipulating lists via Swipe and Drag gestures

    Slip.js : UI library for manipulating lists via Swipe and Drag gestures

    A tiny library for interactive swiping and reordering of elements in lists on touch screens. No dependencies.Supports iOS Safari, Firefox Mobile, Chrome Mobile, Opera Mobile (Presto and Blink).

    Inspiration for Custom Select Elements with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Inspiration for Custom Select Elements with CSS3 & JavaScript

    Some inspiration for styling a custom version of the select element. There are many possibilities and today we are exploring some ideas of how to let the user select a choice in style.We can use JavaScript libraries that transform the HTML elements into a structure that allows us to do some better styling, especially for more complex inputs like the select element. Once a custom structure is in place, the possibilities are really endless and the aim of creating a better experience for the user can be reached more easily.

    Cajal : JavaScript library to Animate shapes on HTML5 Canvas

    Cajal : JavaScript library to Animate shapes on HTML5 Canvas

    Cajal is a javascript library to draw and animate shapes on the HTML5 canvas element.

    Cajal provides object oriented functionality to draw and animate shapes on the canvas element. You can easily reuse animations or complex shape-objects in other projects, as every shape can be assinged to as many canvas elements on your site as you like.

    JsMorph : JavaScript Motion framework

    JsMorph : JavaScript Motion framework

    jsMorph is a morphing – motion – tweening framework that knows what you need to do… get going! It’s a nice ensemble of best timing, fast, smart and resource saving algorithms and convenience.

    jsMorph is a completely Cross-Browser, pure javaScript animation framework that can manipulate almost any and multiple stylings of multiple HTML elements. It auto detects start positions, auto converts units, automatically adjusts rendering speed and corrects time leaks for smoother rendering experience.

    Bounce.js : CSS3 Keyframe Animation Generator

    Bounce.js : CSS3 Keyframe Animation Generator

    Create tasty CSS3 powered animations in no time. Bounce.js is a tool for generating tasty CSS3 powered keyframe animations.

    Tweetlight : Display Tweets with pure JavaScript & PHP

    Tweetlight : Display Tweets with pure JavaScript & PHP

    Display your latest tweets with pure JavaScript and PHP OAuth Library.