Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    PhysicsJS : Physics engine for JavaScript

    PhysicsJS : Physics engine for JavaScript

    A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript.

    Screenlog.js : Bring Console Log on the Screen

    Screenlog.js : Bring Console Log on the Screen

    Ever faced a situation where you said “Why doesn’t this bug show up when developer console is open!!”? And since the bug doesn’t show when you have console open, you cannot do debug logging using console.log.

    Enter screenlog.js. Screenlog.js brings the developer console right on your screen so that you can do logging without having the developer console open always.

    Photo Editor : JavaScript Photo Edition Application

    Photo Editor : JavaScript Photo Edition Application

    Photo Editor is a photo editing application based on the Cropper.js.

    Bricks.js : Javascript Masonry Layout Generator

    Bricks.js : Javascript Masonry Layout Generator

    Bricks.js is a blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements by using javascript.


    • No required HTML markup or CSS stylesheet
    • Minimal, powerful, and readable configuration
    • Optional resize handling
    • Optimized handling of dynamically added items

    Icon Animations Powered by mo.js

    Icon Animations Powered by mo.js

    Various icon animations made with mo.js, a powerful motion graphics library by Oleg Solomka. Inspiration comes from the Dribbble shot “Like Animation” by Daryl Ginn.

    Polaroid Stack to Grid Intro Animation

    Polaroid Stack to Grid Intro Animation

    A tutorial on how to create an intro animation where a decorative Polaroid stack becomes a grid similar to the effect seen on the takeit website.

    Smooth Animate : Make your Animations Really Smooth

    Smooth Animate : Make your Animations Really Smooth

    SmoothAnimate is tiny, super lightweight (5.2kb minified) javascript plugin that is designed to replace horribly slow jQuery’s $.animate().It makes your animations really smooth and fast unlike jQuery.


    • Faster than jQuery – a few tens of times faster!
    • Smoother than CSS – indeed
    • 28 predefined Easings – + your own custom cubic Bezier curves
    • Small size – something about 5 kb in minified version
    • Cross-browser code – support IE9+/Firefox/Chrome/Opera/Safari
    • No Dependencies – written in pure JS, also works with jQuery

    Keymaster.js : JavaScript Keyboard Shortcuts Library

    Keymaster.js : JavaScript Keyboard Shortcuts Library

    Keymaster is a simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts in web applications.Keymaster has no dependencies and can be used completely standalone. It should not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks.

    TileJs : Windows Metro Tiles with CSS3 & JavaScript

    TileJs : Windows Metro Tiles with CSS3 & JavaScript

    A Simple javascript replication of the subtle tilting effect when you click a tile in windows 8. Tilejs uses css3 transforms, so it is only supported by modern browsers

    Wad : Javascript library for Manipulating Audio

    Wad : Javascript library for Manipulating Audio

    Wad is a Javascript library for manipulating audio using the new HTML5 Web Audio API. It greatly simplifies the process of creating, playing, and manipulating audio, either for real-time playback, or at scheduled intervals. Wad provides a simple interface to use many features one would find in a desktop DAW (digital audio workstation), but doesn’t require the user to worry about sending XHR requests or setting up complex audio graphs.