Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Voxel.css: Easy 3D CSS Libarary

    Voxel.css: Easy 3D CSS Libarary

    Voxel.css makes it easy to render 3D. It supports all image types and includes GPU acceleration and CSS3 transitions.

    Interactive Animated SVG Drum Kit

    Interactive Animated SVG Drum Kit

    Today we’re going to create an animated SVG drum kit that can be played by clicking, tapping or using your keyboard, and that can also be programmed to play by itself! We’ll be making use of GreenSock’s TweenMax animation library, jQuery and the <audio> element.

    Spring Loaders with Rebound and Canvas

    Spring Loaders with Rebound and Canvas

    A tutorial on how to create a loading spinner made with inscribed polygons and animated with Rebound spring motion.

    Tone.js : JavaScript Web Audio framework

    Tone.js : JavaScript Web Audio framework

    Tone.js is a Web Audio framework for creating interactive music in the browser. The architecture of Tone.js aims to be familiar to both musicians and audio programmers looking to create web-based audio applications. On the high-level, Tone offers common DAW (digital audio workstation) features like a global transport for scheduling and timing events and prebuilt synths and effects.

    Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters

    Philter : A JS plugin for CSS Filters

    Philter is an open source JavaScript plugin that allows you to control CSS filters through HTML attributes counting on hover event triggered effects.

    JavaScript Sticky Elements to Your Mouse

    JavaScript Sticky Elements to Your Mouse

    Sticky Elements allows you to stickiness add to your website elements; which, in this case, means that when you hover over them, they get stuck to your cursor and then spring back after set limits.

    Material Datetime Picker

    Material Datetime Picker

    A take on the material design date picker modal, built for the web.Works well with Materialize, or standalone.

    SuperPlaceholder.js : Super charge your Input Placeholders

    SuperPlaceholder.js : Super charge your Input Placeholders

    Superplaceholder.js is a library to bring your input placeholders to life by cycling multiple instructions in a single input placeholder.

    Vizicities : 3D City and Data Visualisation Platform

    Vizicities : 3D City and Data Visualisation Platform

    ViziCities is a 3D city and data visualisation platform, powered by WebGL. Its purpose is to change the way you look at cities and the data contained within them.

    ViziCities aims to combine data visualisation with a 3D representation of a city to provide a better understanding what’s going on. It’s a powerful new way of looking at and understanding urban areas.

    Mapbox.js : JavaScript Mapping libraries

    Mapbox.js : JavaScript Mapping libraries

    MapBox.js is now version 1.0 and we are joining forces with Leaflet, one of the most established and robust open source mapping libraries. Embedding maps in web applications with MapBox.js is now even easier, and you can tap into powerful Leaflet features and multi-platform compatibility.