Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Jodit Editor : WYSIWYG and FileBrowser

    Jodit Editor : WYSIWYG and FileBrowser

    Editor and FileBrowser – Jodit. Pure javascript. No libraries! Lightweight:~32kB gzipped.

    Tether : JavaScript library to make Absolutely Positioned Element

    Tether : JavaScript library to make Absolutely Positioned Element

    Tether is a JavaScript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned element stay next to another element on the page. For example, you might want a tooltip or dialog to open, and remain, next to the relevant item on the page.

    Tether includes the ability to constrain the element within the viewport, its scroll parent, any other element on the page, or a fixed bounding box. When it exceeds those constraints it can be pinned to the edge, flip to the other side of its target, or hide itself.

    SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library

    SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library

    SamsaraJS is a functional reactive library for animating layout. It provides a language for positioning, orienting and sizing DOM elements and animating these properties over time. Everything in SamsaraJS — from the user input to the rendering pipeline — is a stream. Building a user interface becomes the art of composing streams.

    Animation of Fall JavaScript Plugin

    Animation of Fall JavaScript Plugin

    With help of this plugin you can simply add the animation of fall with your images and settings to your site. Also package include the “CPanel” plugin. He make possible to easy find the best parameters of animation on your taste!

    Scrollbear : Maintain Scroll position when Images loaded

    Scrollbear : Maintain Scroll position when Images loaded

    Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded. Scrollbear is suitable in blog platforms where exist many photos and images. When images loaded, the scroll position will jump and cause a unfriendly experience. Scrollbear will trace the container height and maintain the scroll position when the images loaded and container height change.

    Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript

    Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript

    In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple multi-layered illustration with depth that transitions into the content in a unique way. We’ll be using a technique that involves CSS and pure JS (no jQuery!).

    Photomosaic.js : JavaScript for Mosaic of an Image

    Photomosaic.js : JavaScript for Mosaic of an Image

    A pure JavaScript plugin to create a mosaic of an image.

    Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library

    Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library

    Grafi.js is a library intended for learning about how image processing works. Each modules are intentionally kept small and users are encouraged to read the source code to learn about different methods and algorithms. In result, grafi may not be the most performant or the most sophisticated image processing library, but that’s the point.

    Video-Resize.js : Responsive HTML5 videos

    Video-Resize.js : Responsive HTML5 videos

    Javascript library for efficiently scaling HTML5 videos with CSS classes.

    Select.js : Styleable Select Elements

    Select.js : Styleable Select Elements

    Select.js is a Javascript and CSS library for creating styleable select elements. It aims to reproduce the behavior of native controls as much as is possible, while allowing for complete styling with CSS.