Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    glio : Detects if the mouse leaves the Viewport

    glio : Detects if the mouse leaves the Viewport

    Glio.js is a javascript library to detects if the mouse of an user leaves the viewport / document borders of your website and when this happens, trigger your callback.

    Radial SVG Responsive Slider

    Radial SVG Responsive Slider

    A simple, responsive slider, with a radial transition effect powered by SVG clipPath and mask elements.

    Spin2Win Wheel – Spin It 2 Win It!

    Spin2Win Wheel - Spin It 2 Win It!

    Built using Scalable Vector Graphics Spin2Win Wheel is a responsive, flexible, customisable, resolution independent spin wheel game whose outcomes you control.

    Spin results, prizes, win/lose, number of spins and more can be controlled using JSON data. You can also customise the look and feel of Spin2Win.

    Rounded Polygon Creator with SVG

    Rounded Polygon Creator with SVG

    Create any size of regular rounded polygon with the help of javascript and svg.

    Multi-Layer Page Reveal Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Multi-Layer Page Reveal Effects with CSS & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to show you how to create a simple and modern page transition effect. Maybe you have spotted some of the cool effects seen on sites like Nation or Keep Portland Weird, where two or more layers of overlays are animated across the page to reveal some new content. Let’s see how we can do something like that. We’ll focus on the animation part only, not the loading of content. For the effects we’ll be using CSS Animations.

    TypeWriting.js : JavaScript Library for Typewriter Effect

    TypeWriting.js : JavaScript Library for Typewriter Effect

    Typewriting js is a javascript library that make the typewriter effect.

    RangeTouch : Range Slider for Touch Devices

    RangeTouch : Range Slider for Touch Devices

    A super tiny library to make <input type="range"> sliders work better on touch devices.

    • No setup required, just include the script
    • Less than 1KB minified and gzipped
    • No dependencies (written in “vanilla” JavaScript)

    Plyr : Simple HTML5 Media Player

    Plyr : Simple HTML5 Media Player

    A simple, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player.

    • Accessible – full support for VTT captions and screen readers
    • Lightweight – under 10KB minified and gzipped
    • Customisable – make the player look how you want with the markup you want
    • Semantic – uses the right elements. <input type="range"> for volume and <progress> for progress and well, <button>s for buttons. There’s no <span> or <a href="#"> button hacks
    • Responsive – as you’d expect these days
    • HTML Video & Audio – support for both formats
    • Embedded Video – support for YouTube and Vimeo video playback
    • API – toggle playback, volume, seeking, and more

    Finance.js : Common Finance and Currency Javascript Methods

    Finance.js : Common Finance and Currency Javascript Methods

    This library provides basic finance methods to compute finance amortization schedules, payment amounts, number and currency formatting. Methods are provided to obtain the payment, interest rate, amount financed, or months financed given 3 of any of the 4.