Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Inspiration for Letter Effects with Anime.js

    Inspiration for Letter Effects with Anime.js

    Today we’d like to share some inspiration for letter effects with you. We wanted to explore some simple, creative animations for display typography and large headlines using anime.js. These kind of animations can really enhance a certain message; combining these effects with a fitting font and playing with transforms opens up a huge range of possibilities. We hope this set inspires you and gives you some ideas on how to use an animation library like anime.js for this purpose.

    Obelisk.js : JavaScript library for Isometric Pixel objects

    Obelisk.js : JavaScript library for Isometric Pixel objects

    obelisk.js is a JavaScript library for building isometric pixel objects.

    With the simple and flexible API provided, you can easily add isometric pixel elements like brick, cube, pyramid and slope in HTML5 canvas. Obelisk.js strictly follows pixel neat pattern: lines with 1:2 pixel dot arrangement, leading to an angle of 22.6 degrees.

    Cesium : WebGL based JavaScript library for 3D globes and 2D maps

    Cesium : WebGL based JavaScript library for 3D globes and 2D maps

    WebGL based JavaScript library for creating high-resolution 3D globes and 2D maps. It supports different map providers, weather simulations, and a ton of other complex features. Their Demos page has a big collection of community projects showcasing what Cesium is capable of, including a 3D map of all the building in New York and projects by NASA.

    Waud.js : Web Audio Library with HTML5

    Waud.js : Web Audio Library with HTML5

    Waud is a simple and powerful web audio library that allows you to go beyond HTML5’s <audio> tag and easily take advantage of Web Audio API. It abstracts Web Audio API making it consistent and reliable across multiple platforms and browsers. It also falls back to HTML5 Audio on non-modern browsers where Web Audio API is not supported.


    • Base64 Pack
    • Audio Sprites
    • iOS Audio Unlock1
    • Auto Mute2
    • Simple API
    • Zero Dependencies

    Line Maker : Animated Decorative Lines with Anime.js

    Line Maker : Animated Decorative Lines with Anime.js

    The Line Maker is a plugin for creating and animating decorative lines on websites. Inspired by site designs like ‘Uber Brand Experience’ and ‘Details’.Today we’d love to share a little library with you that allows to add decorative lines to a webpage. The inspiration for this plugin comes from various designs that contain the line as a focal part of their layout. We wanted an easy way for adding all kinds of lines with different thicknesses and colors, in vertical or horizontal direction, and animate them. For animating the lines we use Julien Garnier’s anime.js, the lightweight JavaScript animation library.

    Recharts : Charts library built with React and D3

    Recharts : Charts library built with React and D3

    Charts library built on top of React and D3. Graphs can be created via a simple XML-like syntax, with many of the important options set directly as attributes. The library also offers a rich examples catalog with more than 50 ready-to-use components, including various Line, Bar, Pie and other types of charts.

    Kute.js : JavaScript Animation Engine

    Kute.js : JavaScript Animation Engine

    KUTE.js is a Javascript animation engine with top performance, memory efficient & modular code. It delivers a whole bunch of tools to help you create great custom animations.

    Smoke.js : Javascript Smoke Effect

    Smoke.js : Javascript Smoke Effect

    Smoke.js is a javascript library to make Smoke Effect for web.

    g9.js : javascript library for Creating Interactive Graphics

    g9.js : javascript library for Creating Interactive Graphics

    g9 is a javascript library for creating automatically interactive graphics.

    With g9, interactive visualization is as easy as visualization that isn’t. Just write a function which draws shapes based on data, and g9 will automatically figure out how to manipulate that data when you drag the shapes around.

    CurrencyFormatter.js : A Currency Formatting Library

    CurrencyFormatter.js : A Currency Formatting Library

    CurrencyFormatter.js allows users to format numbers in a variety of currency formats. It contains 155 currency definitions, and 715 locale definitions right out of the box, and can handle unusually formatted currencies, such as the INR and is completely configurable.