meSing.js is a JavaScript singing synthesis library that uses the Web Audio API’s DSP capabilities in conjunction with the meSpeak.js speech synthesis library to provide a vocal synthesizer for the web. First, the lyrics with corresponding MIDI notes are parsed and fed to meSpeak.js; the resulting text-to-speech output is then converted into a series of AudioBufferSourceNodes, which are subsequently processed and adjusted for pitch, rhythm, and expression.
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Feature.js : JavaScript Browser feature Detection Library
Feature.js is a fast, simple and lightweight browser feature detection library. It has no dependencies and weighs only 1kb minified and gzipped. Feature.js automatically initializes itself on page load, so you don’t have to. It doesn’t, however, run any tests while initializing, so it will only ever run them when you ask it to. This makes it perform very fast.
Progressively : JavaScript library to load Images Progressively
Progressively is a javascript library for loading images progressively. It’s written entirely in JavaScript so it doesn’t depend on 3rd-party libraries like jQuery. It’s super small, < 1.2kB when minified & gzipped! It will load images on when user browse to the page, saving bandwidth & server requests.