Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Playful Little Tooltip Ideas with SVG & JavaScript

    Playful Little Tooltip Ideas with SVG & JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share a couple of simple tooltip animation ideas with you. The tooltips have different shapes mostly made of SVGs and we are animating them with anime.js. Some of these bouncy fellas use SVG path morphing, others transforms and one is a simple text effect.

    Mobiscroll Forms: Build amazing forms on desktop and mobile

    Mobiscroll Forms: Build amazing forms on desktop and mobile

    Mobiscroll Forms supports multiple themes for different platforms and the web – iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

    Shipping with 13 elements for:

    * Single line and multiline text
    * Select styling
    * Buttons
    * Segmented control
    * Checkbox and checklist
    * Radio buttons
    * Switch
    * Stepper
    * Page styling & Typography
    * Slider
    * Progress
    * Alert, confirm and prompt
    * Toast and snackbar

    On-Scroll Morphing Background Shapes with SVG

    On-Scroll Morphing Background Shapes with SVG

    Today we’d like to share a little background effect with you. The idea is to animate a decorative SVG shape on scroll. The shape is morphing into different forms depending on the section we are currently viewing. The animations are powered by Julian Garnier’s anime.js and the scroll detection is supported by Stu Kabakoff’s scrollMonitor.js.

    Folder Preview Ideas with CSS

    Folder Preview Ideas with CSS

    oday we’d like to share some fun little hover effects with you. The idea is to show a preview animation for folders. The animations are intended as a fun micro-interaction that give the user some kind of hint of what’s inside the hovered folder. We are using anime.js to power the animations.

    Television News Ticker with JavaScript & PHP

    Television News Ticker with JavaScript & PHP

    The Television News Ticker script allows you to generate on your website a news ticker like the ones used by television stations to publish the latest news, election results, sport results, whether warnings,  stock quotes, etc.

    The news displayed in the news ticker can be retrieved with the provided PHP scripts from a specified RSS feed, from a Twitter account or from a database table. Alternatively the advanced user will be able to manually generate the content of the news based on the exact needs of the publisher by connecting the news ticker with a JSON resource.

    Docsify : A Magical Documentation Site Generator

    Docsify : A Magical Documentation Site Generator

    A magical documentation site generator.


    • No statically built html files
    • Simple and lightweight (~16kB gzipped)
    • Smart full-text search plugin
    • Multiple themes
    • Useful plugin API
    • Compatible with IE10+

    iziToast : Flexible & Lightweight Notification Plugin

    iziToast : Flexible & Lightweight Notification Plugin

    iziToast is a elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies.

    Debugout.js : Generates a Text file from your Logs

    Debugout.js : Generates a Text file from your Logs

    Debugout.js generates a text file from your logs that can be searched, timestamped, downloaded and more.

    Debugout’s log() accepts any type of object including functions. Debugout is not a monkey patch, but a separate logging class altogether that you use instead of console.

    Ramjet : Animated Morph DOM Elements

    Ramjet : Animated Morph DOM Elements

    Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions.

    Ramjet makes it look like your DOM elements are capable of transforming into one another. It does this by cloning the elements (and all their children), transforming the second element (the one we’re transforming to) so that it completely overlaps with the first, then animating the two elements together until the first element (the one we’re transitioning from) has exactly the same position and dimensions as the second element originally did.

    BackgroundCheck : JavaScript Script to detect Background Color Version

    BackgroundCheck : JavaScript Script to detect Background Color Version

    Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.