Today we’d like to share an interesting distortion effect with you. The main concept of this demo is to use a displacement map in order to distort an underlying image, giving it different types of effects. To demonstrate the liquid-like transitions between images, we’ve created a slideshow.We’ll be using PixiJS as our renderer and filtering engine and GSAP for our animations.
Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
PDF Viewer – Javascript Plugin
PDF Viewer is a Javascript plugin for embedding PDF files on a webpage. It is coded in pure Javascript, and does not require jQuery to work. So you can use this in AngularJS or ReactJS applications also.
- Embed a PDF document in a HTML element of your specified width
- Embed multiple PDF documents in a single page
- “Previous” & “Next” buttons to move to previous and next pages of the PDF
- Loading progress bar will be seen while PDF is being rendered
- “Full Screen” button to render the PDF in full-screen mode
- “Download” button to download the PDF
Lozad.js : Highly Performant Lazy Loading Library
Lozad js is a highly performant, light ~0.5kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for images, iframes and more, using IntersectionObserver API.
- lazy loads elements performantly using pure JavaScript,
- is a light-weight library, just 535 bytes minified & gzipped,
- allows lazy loading of dynamically added elements as well,
- supports responsive images and background images
Novi : HTML Page Builder & Visual Content Editor
Are you an HTML templates developer? Do you sell your own products? Get closer to your clients. Import any valid HTML template into Novi Builder with 3 clicks only and multiply your earnings today.
- Import any valid HTML template
- Create as many pages as you need
- Start editing your text with a single click
- Save your own presets for future use
- Edit the source code of your project
- Manage fonts
- Inspect your elements in code
- Copy paste & replace any design elements
- Preview on different resolutions
- Social Plugins
- Mailform Plugin
- Subscribe form Plugins
- Swiper Slider Plugin
- Parallax Plugin