Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Liquid Distortion Effects with JavaScript

    Liquid Distortion Effects with JavaScript

    Today we’d like to share an interesting distortion effect with you. The main concept of this demo is to use a displacement map in order to distort an underlying image, giving it different types of effects. To demonstrate the liquid-like transitions between images, we’ve created a slideshow.We’ll be using PixiJS as our renderer and filtering engine and GSAP for our animations.

    PDF Viewer – Javascript Plugin

    PDF Viewer - Javascript Plugin

    PDF Viewer is a Javascript plugin for embedding PDF files on a webpage. It is coded in pure Javascript, and does not require jQuery to work. So you can use this in AngularJS or ReactJS applications also.


    1. Embed a PDF document in a HTML element of your specified width
    2. Embed multiple PDF documents in a single page
    3. “Previous” & “Next” buttons to move to previous and next pages of the PDF
    4. Loading progress bar will be seen while PDF is being rendered
    5. “Full Screen” button to render the PDF in full-screen mode
    6. “Download” button to download the PDF

    FollowCursor : Following Effect on Hover with JavaScript

    FollowCursor : Following Effect on Hover with JavaScript

    FollowCursor is a rotate elements to create a following effect.

    Mr. Data Converter : Convert Excel data into JSON & XML

    Mr. Data Converter : Convert Excel data into JSON & XML

    Mr. Data Converter takes CSV or tab-delimited data from a spreadsheet such as Excel and converts it into several web-friendly formats, including JSON and XML.

    KeplerJs : Full-stack Geosocial Network Platform

    KeplerJs : Full-stack Geosocial Network Platform

    KeplerJs is a open source geosocial solution that lets users share favorite places and join discussions in real-time. It can be seen as a platform where users can interact with other open data platforms OpenStreetMap among other sources.

    Lozad.js : Highly Performant Lazy Loading Library

    Lozad.js : Highly Performant Lazy Loading Library

    Lozad js is a highly performant, light ~0.5kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for images, iframes and more, using IntersectionObserver API.


    • lazy loads elements performantly using pure JavaScript,
    • is a light-weight library, just 535 bytes minified & gzipped,
    • allows lazy loading of dynamically added elements as well,
    • supports responsive images and background images

    Organic SVG Shape Morph Ideas

    Organic SVG Shape Morph Ideas

    A small set of ideas for organic shape effects. The demos show some ways to use animated SVG morphs interactively on a website, including a menu hover and a content reveal effect.

    Novi : HTML Page Builder & Visual Content Editor

    Novi : HTML Page Builder & Visual Content Editor

    Are you an HTML templates developer? Do you sell your own products? Get closer to your clients. Import any valid HTML template into Novi Builder with 3 clicks only and multiply your earnings today.


    • Import any valid HTML template
    • Create as many pages as you need
    • Start editing your text with a single click
    • Save your own presets for future use
    • Edit the source code of your project
    • Manage fonts
    • Inspect your elements in code
    • Copy paste & replace any design elements
    • Preview on different resolutions
    • Social Plugins
    • Mailform Plugin
    • Subscribe form Plugins
    • Swiper Slider Plugin
    • Parallax Plugin

    JSCapture : Screen Recording and Capturing with JavaScript

    JSCapture : Screen Recording and Capturing with JavaScript

    JSCapture is screen capturing library implemented with pure JavaScript and HTML5.It allows you to make screenshots and record a video of your desktop from your browser.

    On-hover image zoom effect using SCSS and Jade

    On-hover image zoom effect using SCSS and Jade

    The use of the :on-hover pseudo-selector and the (~) general sibling selector to create a mouseover zoom effect that follows your mouse cursor—similar to the effect that Amazon uses for its product photos—all without the use of JavaScript.