Best jQuery Core Java Script Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Driver.js : JavaScript engine to drive User’s Focus across the Page

    Driver.js : JavaScript engine to drive User's Focus across the Page

    A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user’s focus across the page.


    • Simple: is simple to use and has no external dependency at all
    • Light-weight: ~4kb in size, vanilla JavaScript and no external dependency
    • Highly customizable: has a powerful API and can be used however you want
    • Highlight anything: highlight any (literally any) element on page
    • Feature introductions: create powerful feature introductions for your web applications
    • Focus shifters: add focus shifters for users
    • User friendly: Everything is controllable by keyboard
    • Consistent behavior: usable across all browsers (including in-famous IE)
    • MIT Licensed: free for personal and commercial use

    confettiKit : JavaScript Random Confetti Effects & Explosions

    confettiKit : JavaScript Random Confetti Effects & Explosions

    ConfettiKit.js can easily generate random confetti Effects and Explosion with javascript. Easy to Use with html and javascript. Can Create random confetti effects like Happy birthday , celebrations and many more. you can change colors, angle ,rotation of confetti and many more configuration for creating confetti effects.


    • Custom Colors
    • Custom Elements like image,text,svg
    • Custom Configuration
    • Light weight

    Scrollbooster : Enjoyable Content Drag-to-scroll library

    Scrollbooster : Enjoyable Content Drag-to-scroll library

    Scrollbooster is a enjoyable content drag-to-scroll micro (~2KB gzipped) library.

    Blotter.js : JavaScript API for Drawing Unconventional Text Effects

    Blotter.js : JavaScript API for Drawing Unconventional Text Effects

    Blotter.js is a javascript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.

    Blotter provides a simple interface for building and manipulating text effects that utilize GLSL shaders without requiring that the designer write GLSL. Blotter has a growing library of configurable effects while also providing ways for student or experienced GLSL programmers to quickly bootstrap new ones.

    Creative Audio Visualizers with p5.js

    Creative Audio Visualizers with p5.js

    Today we’ll explore how to build a basic, line-style music visualization in the browser. We’ll be using p5.js for our drawings and its p5.sound library for analyzing sounds.

    Delighters : CSS Animations on Page Scroll

    Delighters : CSS Animations on Page Scroll

    Delighters is add CSS animations to delight users as they scroll down.


    • Declarative
    • Flexible
    • Light footprint
    • Framework-agnostic
    • Supports desktop, mobile & tablets
    • Degrades gracefully to your default styling

    Konva.js : HTML5 2d Canvas Library

    Konva.js : HTML5 2d Canvas Library

    Konva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.

    You can draw things onto the stage, add event listeners to them, move them, scale them, and rotate them independently from other shapes to support high performance animations, even if your application uses thousands of shapes. Served hot with a side of awesomeness.

    Tippy.js : Vanilla JS Tooltip Library

    Tippy.js : Vanilla JS Tooltip Library

    Tippy.js is a lightweight, vanilla JS tooltip library powered by Popper.js.

    Filepond : Flexible JavaScript File Upload Plugin

    Filepond : Flexible JavaScript File Upload Plugin

    Filepond  is a JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.

    iFlow : JavaScript powerful State Management Framework

    iFlow : JavaScript powerful State Management Framework

    iFlow is a concise & powerful state management framework, iFlow has no dependencies and it’s very small(5k).It’s dynamic and extensible, you can directly use it to add, delete and reassign the state/action. It completely supports plain class and function based on mutable data structures, and be easy to OOP.


    • Plain class and function – Simple, capable of designing various state structure.
    • Store tree compose – Store tree is easy to share and operate.
    • Dynamic and hot-swapping – Both the state and action can be directly and freely changed.
    • Async function and other type of functions – Any actions will be composed or invoked internally.
    • Powerful middleware – Middleware can handle any store change event.
    • Store support immutable – Store is supported to be processed into a immutable store.